Great Political Ad


Very Active Member
Here's a great political ad it's one of the best ones I've seen.

"We don't have a gun problem we have prescription drug problem."
Haha! That's it!

He's got my

LAST EDITED ON Oct-31-17 AT 04:03PM (MST)[p]I will bet that his position on public lands is just like every other person you Utards curse the rest of with when you send them to DC. Same trick different pony.

I don't know I haven't heard him say anything about it. I know he hunts and recreates on otc public land units. Not saying that defines his stance on land transfer. But he's quite educated on alot of other issues. He has lots of great videos on youtube FB and other social media outlets on his policy ideas. And he isn't running for a long term job or needing the money. If he's smart he'll look at what chaffets tried and learn from it on public lands. Nemont I wouldn't brag about public land in montana either you guys have plenty of it locked up in central and eastern montana, with more than plenty of private land.

"We don't have a gun problem we have prescription drug problem."
I read my post again can't find a single place I said anything about access in Montana. I guess if you want to go there then start a thread about the Utard congressional contingent and how they support public lands access by wanting to transfer them.

The difference is that the Montana congressional delegation doesn't state that their goal is transfer. This guy you are high won't get 6% of the vote, period. He has less than a spherical blob of frozen water in Hades over spending a minute in the People's House. Utards will never vote for anybody without an R after their name.

Nemont and I would never say never. Remember Trump wasn't gonna be president. I think the only thing that prevents him from getting into office is he doesn't speak with a rated PG style. But who knows I think the ad is great and he's not in my district so i'll just wait and see. I'd like to see him make a positive difference and piss off the career losers in office.

"We don't have a gun problem we have prescription drug problem."
>Nemont and I would never say
>never. Remember Trump wasn't gonna
>be president. I think the
>only thing that prevents him
>from getting into office is
>he doesn't speak with a
>rated PG style. But who
>knows I think the ad
>is great and he's not
>in my district so i'll
>just wait and see. I'd
>like to see him make
>a positive difference and piss
>off the career losers in
> "We don't have a gun
>problem we have prescription drug

See here is the problem with your logic. Trump got elected by the Electoral College not by the majority of the popular vote. This guy has to win the popular vote to take a seat in the People's House. Since I know for sure you won't bet on whether he will win or not, I will say watch and see. He won't win and his impact on the political climate will be nil.

This quote is pure gold:

-Whalen also claims his creditors don't understand the success that Property23 generates. He said that the company brings in a significant amount of gross revenue, but that its net profit is much lower.

No wonder Wstrntines has a man crush on him. Stupid is as stupid does and he is a Utard so there's that.

He never was charged with fraud. You F##k people over everyday insurance boy. So swing away to bad the media isn't accountable for owning up to it's mistake. Learn a little more about the guy before you take jabs at him. He went bankrupt once, so what that's one great thing about living in america you can get back up and chase your dreams again.

"We don't have a gun problem we have prescription drug problem."
You truly a total and complete piece of dung even for a Utard chickenhawk.

You can pretend that I force a single client to do anything because you are lying coward and simply to stupid to know how insurance works.

Your new boyfriend is a joke, he is going to get his @ss handed to him. If you were half a man you put some money on your man crush.
Yeah why would I be a piece of dung because I like alot of the guys political views. There's no way you've had enough time to go through all his videos on policy to place judgement on me for agreeing with alot of what he supports. So you are a dumb A55 that assumes things you just proved it queer boy. I'm glad I don't have as many bf's as you do bets that will never be settled. That's alright right it off insurance boy someone else will pay for it. So I guess every person I think has like minded views as myself your gonna call them my bf. What shall we call yours fuckstick.

"We don't have a gun problem we have prescription drug problem."
Let's do some simple math coward. You are 30 that means when the surge in Iraq in 2006 you were prime age, 19. So while my brother had to do three tours your sorry excuse for an American sat on your @ss and let others do the bleeding and dying. Now you claim to be a big bad American? General Kelly was 100% correct about cowards like you. When the country was begging for troops you said, ?I won't volunteer?. Yellow POS
You've completely misinterpreted Gen. Kelly's speech. You've twisted it to your liking for feel good points. He never once called anyone that didn't serve a coward. He expressed the level of bravery in military troops. You may want to go back and watch it again and take notes. And thank your brother for his service, I appreciate it. But, who the F##k are you to judge someones level of Americanism. But that's why he is a general and your not. Have a nice day I'm sure you think you are the most patriotic in the room. Whatever makes ya feel good NePads.

"We don't have a gun problem we have prescription drug problem."
LAST EDITED ON Nov-02-17 AT 10:30AM (MST)[p]Oh I see you can judge me and my business practices and make outright lies up but you can't handle it when somebody does it to you.

I guess you can pat yourself on the back for never having once considered serving when the country has been at war since you were 14 years old. Then you tell me I f#@k people over every day? Do this dimwit, try to go get a sick kid taken care of without the peace of mind of having some coverage.

You truly are a pile of Shyt, chickenhawk. That is the reason you will never be in the top 1% and the reason you p!ss excellence is because excellence can't stand being inside of you.


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