NePads You Cant Make This UP


Very Active Member
Missoula area friends - Karen Budd-Falen is a leader of the land transfer movement. She's also a lawyer who has fought against public ownership of public lands for her entire career, having gone far as to represent notorious anti-public lands zealot, Cliven Bundy. Secretary Ryan Zinke is nonetheless considering her to be the new director of the Bureau of Land Management. She is coming to Hamilton at the request of Rep. Theresa Manzella to give a workshop on land planning, the kind of planning that runs counter to our outdoor way of life.

-And you thought Tardville had a problem. " Dance Boy " You gonna sit back and let them sell your land.

"We don't have a gun problem we have prescription drug problem."
LAST EDITED ON Nov-17-17 AT 10:40AM (MST)[p]

On top of being a complete waste of carbon by being to much of coward to serve you are also a liar.

Karen Budd-Falen is a Wyoming lawyer, not from Montana you coward.

I never said there were not public lands transfer supporters in Montana. It is that Montana Voters don't to send them to congress every session like you Utards do. That is the gift Utard voters send the rest of the country every session. The movement to transfer Public lands was born, bred, nutured and allowed to grow inside the borders of Utah. For a coward like you to want to call anyone else out on the issue of public lands transfer is as phony as your conservatism. Your liberal view of private property rights shows what a fake you are.

I would take all of Montana's problems any day over having to live in Utah. So if you like Utah's way of doing things, stay there. Keep sending people to congress who want to trade public lands. Our military protects all Americans and gives them rights to live where they want, even guys like you: cowards unwilling to help in the fight of your generation. So keep on trying.

LAST EDITED ON Nov-17-17 AT 10:49AM (MST)[p]Utah Transfer of Public Lands Act-

-The State of Utah passed legislation in 2012?the Utah Transfer of Public Lands Act?to require the Federal government to grant the majority of federal land in the state back to the state of Utah after 2014

-Jan 20 2016

WASHINGTON ? Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) issued the following statement Wednesday on Reps. Rob Bishop?s (R-UT) and Jason Chaffetz?s (R-UT) Public Land Initiative.

?It is truly an honor to be the Senate sponsor for the Utah Public Lands Initiative Act,? Sen. Lee said. ?The process that went into producing this bill is truly laudable and the resulting policy is a good-faith compromise

Aug. 25, 2017
"Senator Lee shares your concerns about keeping our natural parks pristine and protecting access for all to enjoy the great outdoors. It is in the interest of protecting those amazing resources that he strongly supports transferring control of public lands to states.

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