Chile Verde?


Very Active Member
Any recipes out there for a great Green Chile? Pork or otherwise. I want to find one that works in a Dutch Oven for Elk Camp this fall.
I made a big pot of this a while back up camping...I made it with some left over slow smoked pulled pork I had...Everyone loved it...


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Thanks Snort!! I will try this one.
Yesterday I bought a bushel of roasted anaheims, I'll be looking for different ways to use them.
No problem... I forgot to mention I served the chili Verde over fried Sopes and sprinkled Queso Fresco on top...MMMMmmm gooood..


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LAST EDITED ON Aug-24-10 AT 11:37PM (MST)[p]Snort you're going to make a cook out of me yet. I haven't made Sopes at camp before, this year I will. It won't be a big stretch, I like to make empanadas with fruit pie fillings. After making the Sopes the oil will be ready.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-25-10 AT 11:31AM (MST)[p]I LOVE Green Chili!!!!!!! YUM!!!!

Snort, the foodnetwork recipe looks good. Here are a couple of personal pointers:

1) The note about 'not browning the onions......' is a personal choice for sure. IMO, browning the onions is a key step in ensuring the end product has a nice 'roasted' flavor.... Just my opinion.

2) When you add & brown the pork (unless you use previously cooked/pulled pork), add a couple of table spoons of flour when the meat is browned. After you then add the other ingredients, the flour will help to thicken it slightly and make a wonderful 'green chili gravey'!! ;)

3) Use fresh Hatch green chili's when ever possible!!! ;) No standard 'supermarket bought' Anaheim compares IMO!!!

YUMMY!!!!!!!! The Hatch chili's are ripe!! I love this time of year!!!



PS: I won a Blue ribbon in a Chili cook-off with my Green Chili a few years ago!!!! lol
I bought a bushel of roasted Hatch chiles and will be making a pot of Chile this weekend.
How did the Hatch Chili's work-out for you???

I found some here in Phoenix on Friday! Pork loin roasts were 1/2 price at the grocery store, so I made a HUGE pot of it on Saturday! 10 lbs of pork worth!!! Freezes nicely.... ;)

It turned-out awesome!! It's really amazing the difference that the nice fresh Hatch chili's make (as opposed to standard Anaheims....).


Had a change of plans. Spent the weekend in So Ut. Did get to stuff a few with cheese and fry them up. They were delicious! Chile Verde will have to wait a couple days.

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