Facebook Creeping Towards Anti-Hunting???


Founder Since 1999
So after I post photos in the Contest Gallery, I usually post something about it to my Facebook page, plus put $20-$30 towards promoting the post. I've done it for years, but the other day it was denied by Facebook multiple times.

My followers are hunters and the crowd I want Facebook to put my posts in front of should also be hunters, so why then would this ad below be denied?

They're hiring 20,000 content reviewers and have made policy changes, and if this ad below is denied, I'm thinking any image of a hunter showing off his buck or bull in a success photo would also be denied as an ad. What does that say about what the company thinks of hunting?

I just see nothing wrong with delivering this ad below to a bunch of people on their platform who follow hunting pages. Why would they describe this ad as "shocking, disrespectful or sensational" to the people I want looking at the ad?
Facebook has decided that what we do is shocking and disrespectful. What do you think of that?

This was the ad:
NEW Photos Added! Come take a look at the big bucks, bulls and billies and rams I added this past week. Good stuff! Visit the site today.....>>>(And Link to Site)



Response from Facebook. I resubmitted it a couple of times. Same thing.

Your ad wasn't approved because it doesn't follow our Advertising Policies. We don't allow ads that contain shocking, disrespectful or sensational content, including ads that depict violence or threats of violence.
How to fix: We suggest removing this type of content from your ad and/or using a different image or video.
If you've read our policies and think that we made a mistake, you can request a second review by our team.

Brian Latturner
@mm_founder on Instagram
LIKE MonsterMuleys.com
on Facebook!
I think it's a joke. Just more political democratic controlling BS that they've used for years to help form someone?s opinion. As a union member I was somewhat automatically for the dems. With the non stop crap they try and pull along with their everyday hypocrisy, I will never support that again. It's all lip service, they couldn't care less about the country or it's people. It's all about getting votes and raking in the lifelong politician $$. Trump can say some stupid crap often, but I feel like the country is sincerely in his best interest. Gosh dang, sorry for turning that political founder, but that's very much what it is. I could give a rats ass about Facebook, but I agree I hate to see anything go down the anti hunting road. Anyways, hey by the way nice vid with your boy, always good to see solid mentors getting out with their kids.
Hey Founder that's not the end of it. A few years ago a good friend of mine was shot in a hunting accident. Anti-hunting groups were posting it on their facebook pages wishing him to die. They would actually state they hoped his kids would starve to death after he died. AND FACEBOOK DOES ALLOW THAT!

They like freedom of their hate approved speech. They hate your speech that portrays you as a free white man with a culture.

They literally want to wipe your culture out. Not just your add.
Bill Allred post awesome wildlife pics on FB daily and they constantly block pics, and these are live pics.
Nothing will destroy this country faster than socialist control of the media. They have that now. They are in near complete control of what gets seen and heard by the masses. Be afraid! Be very afraid! It's all propaganda at this point.

I think it's crap! Especially if you've never had any past issues with them.

You stated ?I resubmitted it a couple of times. Same thing.?

The second paragraph of their reply reads: ?If you've read our policies and think that we made a mistake, you can request a second review by our team.?

I'm curious if you actually spoke to anyone at Facebook regarding your concerns or did you just receive a faceless/voiceless standard electronic reply.

Is this truely the new standard at Facebook? If so, shame on them and anyone who continues to have a Facebook account.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-23-18 AT 06:16PM (MST)[p]they've always been antihunting....now they're just letting the veil fall away....

they got plenty of your money already....and all your friends,family, and fans data.....

>they've always been antihunting....now they're just
>letting the veil fall away....
>they got plenty of your money

They Ain't Got any of Mine!

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
>so bess.....you consider yourself a friend?...family?....or

You're Family Homer!

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
Issues like you had with Facebook is why I never look at Facebook and spend my time here and forums like it that promote my interests in hunting and fishing. Thanks for a great site!
Fluck Facebook! I know people use and it's taken many users from huning forums, but they are some super-liberal POS.
This is exactly why this country is going to hell in an alarming hurry.
You've got a bunch of liberal millennials running the largest worldwide social media platform on the planet and if they don't like hunting, they will find a loophole in their rules to block our posts.
I shut my fb and Instagram off in June, been very nice not having the trending crap constantly in your face.

I do miss being able to stay in touch with people I don't see often, but hey we all have phones and if it matters enough a phone call can be made.

It just makes you wonder how far it?ll go is all. It is a lot of power they have.

Brian Latturner
@mm_founder on Instagram
LIKE MonsterMuleys.com
on Facebook!
how far will it go???....they are liberals. It will not end until you are holding a plow shear and saying..."yes master"....

I don't get it. I follow folks like Jim Shockey and Brian 'Pigman' Quaca on FB and they constantly post trophy pics. Not only that Pigman posts videos with plenty of blood and brain shots.
Paying for advertising is probably the deciding factor. But that'll change, just give it time. It's the ol frog in the boiling pot routine....
Brian I also can not figure out why they are not accepting your hunting photos. In my area we have a facebook web site for news and information for local users in our foothill area of the county.
Numerous members are hunters and post photos of their game kills. Lot of the photos are of the members young children with their first game kill and they are accepted and not deleted from the facebook site. The monitor for the site is also a local person and grew up in a hunting community. Maybe you are dealing with the region office and have ran up against some anti hunters.

LAST EDITED ON Nov-24-18 AT 08:41PM (MST)[p]>Brian I also can not figure
>out why they are not
>accepting your hunting photos. In
>my area we have a
>facebook web site for news
>and information for local users
>in our foothill area of
>the county.
> Numerous members are
>hunters and post photos of
>their game kills. Lot of
>the photos are of the
>members young children with their
>first game kill and they
>are accepted and not deleted
>from the facebook site. The
>monitor for the site is
>also a local person and
>grew up in a hunting
>community. Maybe you are dealing
>with the region office and
>have ran up against some
>anti hunters.

Try to pay to advertise said posts to others. Currently it's easy to turn down a paid service. Itll take time to sensor all the things you just post on your page. Like Elton homer said....
Most of what I share is allowed on their site, it's just recently more and more of my paid advertising posts, the ones they actually look at, are denied. Most of what's posted on FB is never even seen by employees of the company, but paid advertising posts are.
The problem is not much now, I'm just wondering if it?ll get worse now that they're taking so much heat and government is starting look at regulations. Plus they're hiring thousands of people to start looking closer at what's shared on the site.
Will ?hunting? photos be increasingly viewed as too ?shocking? and removed? What does the future hold??

Brian Latturner
@mm_founder on Instagram
LIKE MonsterMuleys.com
on Facebook!
LAST EDITED ON Nov-25-18 AT 07:55PM (MST)[p]Hey Brian,
I think there's a lot of to do about nothing here. You simple violated their community standards.
Just don't show the dead animals in your ad and your good to go.
It's no different than showing sexual stuff in an ad, many people find that offensive just like dead animals and that's why several different things are against their standards. I'm sure there's plenty of anti-hunters that work there but I think Facebook is along ways from banning all hunting pictures.
>Hey Brian,
> I think there's a lot
>of to do about nothing
>here. You simple violating their
>community standards.
>Just don't show the dead animals
>in your ad and just
>show your logal and your
>good to go.
>It's no different than showing sexual
>stuff in an ad, many
>people find that offensive just
>like dead animals.

>>Hey Brian,
>> I think there's a lot
>>of to do about nothing
>>here. You simple violating their
>>community standards.
>>Just don't show the dead animals
>>in your ad and just
>>show your logal and your
>>good to go.
>>It's no different than showing sexual
>>stuff in an ad, many
>>people find that offensive just
>>like dead animals.

I reworded it a little, hopefully it makes more sense now.
It showed up on my page a few minutes ago. I clicked to like it and it said it wasn't accepting new likes or comments because it was removed by its owner. So you removed it??
our local facebook pages for selling mens gear got hit hard 2 years ago for selling guns. So to bypass it you have to say your selling a .300 mag paper shredder. That way facebook has a harder time to find it
I did just delete a new ad I posted. Then I edited the image and removed a deer picture of a buck that died in a creek. Maybe that was it. Now we'll see........

>It showed up on my page
>a few minutes ago. I
>clicked to like it and
>it said it wasn't accepting
>new likes or comments because
>it was removed by its
>owner. So you removed it??

Brian Latturner
@mm_founder on Instagram
LIKE MonsterMuleys.com
on Facebook!
They allowed the new ad image. Maybe all will be fine at Facebook, I just listen to all this news about government regulations and all the people Facebook is hiring to watch what is being posted and wonder if hunting photos are going to be an increasing issue on their site....????

This ad was approved.....


Brian Latturner
@mm_founder on Instagram
LIKE MonsterMuleys.com
on Facebook!
I would say the issue was the deer in the creek. Not sure why that tipped the scale, but it may have been the issue.

For everyone else, do not run away from FB and do not boycott etc. That is exactly what thy want. They want to push us into silence. Make it point to fight back and let others know when you object to opinons etc. If no one stays on FB and fights, then we will have no real say.
I'm not making a judgment for or against FB. I thought I heard Zuckerberg was a hunter, and a quick Google search confirmed. Multiple reports of not only him being a hunter, but only eating meat he has killed/processed.

Clearly he's not leading the charge for our "sport", but I don't think he qualifies as #1'enemy either.
I'm a little old to do it. But is there a reason there isn't a conservative FB, IG,Twitter? Hopefully a few kids will see a HUGE market there and create it. May as well add you tube as well. I'm just surprised it hasn't happened.

In media, Fox has profited handsomely from going as a more conservative answer to lib media.

From the party of HUNTIN, FISHIN, PUBLIC LAND.
Would it be Fair to say:

FaceBook Probably Wouldn't Like My 'GRUESOME SHOTS' Thread I Posted a while Back?

I know so many people in so many places
They make allot of money but they got sad faces

It Ain't Easy being Me!:D:D:D
So are they freaking Liberals or are you freaking commies for telling a private business how to run their house?

I own a couple hunting related pages on the platform and have never had a problem.

Must be way different criteria for advertising obviously.

"If the DWR was just doing its job, and
wildlife and hunting were the actual focus,
none of this process would even matter.
But that is not the focus or the goal in any
of this. The current DWR regime, and
SFW were born out of wildlife declines,
and are currently operated and funded
under that paradigm. Those 200 Expo
tags would not even be worth anything if
the focus was where it was supposed to
be, and wildlife and tags were plentiful.
But under the current business model,
that is how the money and power is
generated. It is generated through the
rising "value"(monitization) of a declining
resource. A resource that is supposed to
be being beneficially managed for the
masses that own that resource, ie. US.
The problem is obvious, hedging is not a
long term sustainable strategy, and
others have to lose, for some to win. In
this case it is us, the many, and our
resources, that are being forced to lose,
because there is a minority who's power
and money is derived from our loses."

LONETREE 3/15/16
What a beautiful collection of photos.

Facebook is based in California as are it's hired reviewers.

A bunch of urban/suburban liberal snowflakes.
I'm si sick of this Bullsh*t.
Thanks for the information Brian about Facebook. I have also known of family members who tried to post pics of similar hunting successes and have also been denied. As a result, I have finally had enough BS from Zuckerberg and his fanatical followers/reviewers and have permanently cancelled my FB account. I'm 69 years old and remember the good ole' days when we survived/communicated/shared hunting pics other ways besides on the current social media platforms and were able to enjoy other's successes and good times without liberals telling us or censoring our rights to freedom of the press, etc. I will not die an early death because I do not have a FB account anymore and although deleting my account will not assure that FB fades into oblivion, at least I will have a good conscience as to my beliefs. Thanks again for reminding me who I really am and what I stand for.
Well..... My thoughts are; Whatever..... They are a corporation and can/will do whatever they want at will on their site. Same as Founder can do whatever he wants on this site. I've got absolutely NO problem with that.

Like many have stated, just don't use or look at Facebook if you don't like their liberal leanings. ;-)
Again, my ad was rejected by Facebook. This was the ad.
I requested it be reviewed again by someone different. We'll see. But with all those new hires I'll bet this is the way it'll keep going and maybe get worse.


Brian Latturner
@mm_founder on Instagram
LIKE MonsterMuleys.com
on Facebook!
They're even coverin up dead chit on private hunting groups, not even any blood showin. Its gonna get worse.

>Again, my ad was rejected by
>Facebook. This was the ad.
>I requested it be reviewed again
>by someone different. We'll see.
>But with all those new
>hires I'll bet this is
>the way it'll keep going
>and maybe get worse.

>Brian Latturner
>@mm_founder on Instagram
>LIKE MonsterMuleys.com
>on Facebook!

Yea that really sucks when someone tells you what you can or can't put on the internet.
>>Again, my ad was rejected by
>>Facebook. This was the ad.
>>I requested it be reviewed again
>>by someone different. We'll see.
>>But with all those new
>>hires I'll bet this is
>>the way it'll keep going
>>and maybe get worse.

>>Brian Latturner
>>@mm_founder on Instagram
>>LIKE MonsterMuleys.com
>>on Facebook!
>Yea that really sucks when someone
>tells you what you can
>or can't put on
>the internet.

I don't understand this sentiment. They are NOT telling anyone what the "can or can't put on the internet....". We can put anything at all we want on the internet. They are simply regulating what people can put on their private site. If we don't like it, we post our stuff somewhere else (like here...).

Brian (Founder) has the ability to police anything & everything that is posted on this site. He can decide 100% whether any content or ad is appropriate for this site. That is the way it should be, IMO.
I agree with stanley, my bringing this up is simply me wondering if it?ll get worse with all those new employees in there deciding what's too extreme for my followers.
That's another thing, many of us have paid to accumulate followers, now the same stuff I used to bring those followers in, isn't allowed.
And will it soon bleed over to unsponsored posts as well????

Brian Latturner
@mm_founder on Instagram
LIKE MonsterMuleys.com
on Facebook!
LAST EDITED ON Dec-12-18 AT 01:25PM (MST)[p] Founder, I totally agree with you, I see things going south in a hurry. Especially when you compare what is going on around us to the notion of " Agenda 21" Seems to be following the prescribed path .

Not good.
Brian, Why not create your own "FB" for hunters exclusively? I'm sure you could come up with a great name and announce it everywhere. It would be a winner!!
>Brian, Why not create your own
>"FB" for hunters exclusively? I'm
>sure you could come up
>with a great name and
>announce it everywhere. It would
>be a winner!!

It looks like this exists today. There's a new app called YUDU. It's all hunting and fishing.


Pretty cool.
>Brian, Why not create your own
>"FB" for hunters exclusively? I'm
>sure you could come up
>with a great name and
>announce it everywhere. It would
>be a winner!!

Ummm....... Doesn't he already have one? I thought that's exactly what mmonstermuleys.com was. LOL LOL

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