Moving from AK to Sheridan WY: hunt access/what to expect


Active Member
As above. Grew up in S. ID lived in AK for almost 20 yrs now moving, what are expectations on quality/access for elk and deer. Passion is muleys but work obligations might limit that. What do you think guys
There's some good hunting up there. I love hunting the high country in the western part of the state. The news said they lead the country in DUI's though, so watch out.

Brian Latturner
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Get your plates changed to bucking horses as soon as possible. It will help out a lot trust me. Made the mistake of running greenie plates for a few months when I lived up there and got pulled over for anything possible, switched plates and it seemed like I could drive 20 over every where I wanted haha

>There's some good hunting up there.
>I love hunting the high
>country in the western part
>of the state. The news
>said they lead the country
>in DUI's though, so watch

My youngest son Scott (in his early 50s) moved from Tex. to Afton, Wyo. about 1 1/2 years ago. He now manages new car sales for the local Dodge dealership. He's not a trophy sort but killed both a good mule deer and a 6x6 bull last fall.

As for the other comment on DUI:

A month before that, his son-in-law killed himself in a wreck on the way home along the road from Jackson. He was drunk, lost control and flipped his truck. It rolled over him and killed him instantly, according to the coroner.


How To Hunt Coues Deer
Be aware if you aren't already that Wyoming requires that you live within the state as a full time resident for a year BEFORE you can apply for any licenses or PPs to the G&F as a resident. If I moved from MI, it would be to the Sheridan area or somewhere south along the mountains between there and Buffalo. The scenery alone is worth it and I'm out there for two months with my Sheridan buddy every year enjoying it!
It's a beautiful area, with mulies, elk, whitetails, turkey, antelope and some great fishing. The Bighorns are right there, so lots of national forest. BLM to the East and South.

All private from the base of the mountains, out past the river bottoms. Be friendly, make friends, help a few people out. There are worse places to go.

As for DUIs... Most of Wyoming has significant problem.
Thanks guys. Drastic life changes, both work and life, so I'm looking forward to the next chapter. Thanks for the heads up on the license plates, will definitely help as I haven't had a ticket since 2000. I think I have 2 PP for Miley?s so maybe go NR route. Could I possibly draw with zero PP for elk, antelope or others. Thanks again guys
Antelope for sure can be drawn with no points in Wyoming, depending on the unit.


My hunting spot is so secret, not even the elk have found it yet.
This brings up a good question. Can a NR keep their PP's if they become a resident. And use them for resident draws?
Hope you got some money. That town is expensive to live in. I lived in Sheridan for 4 years and said screw it and came back over to the big horn basin.

As said before, tons of private land.
>Hope you got some money. That
>town is expensive to live
>in. I lived in
>Sheridan for 4 years and
>said screw it and came
>back over to the big
>horn basin.
>As said before, tons of private

It's cheaper anywhere in wyo (besides Jackson) than Alaska.
>This brings up a good question.
>Can a NR keep their
>PP's if they become a
>resident. And use them for
>resident draws?

Yes, you keep your PPs and could use them in the moose and sheep draws where residents have a point system as long as you keep buying PPs and don't miss two consecutive years like the requirements are. My buddy in Sheridan lived in several different states besides Wyoming and kept buying points for both. He moved back to Wyoming for good in about 2009 and drew his moose tag as a resident in 2016 when I think he had 13 or 14 points.

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