Veteran hunter killed by elephant


Long Time Member
Anybody here know him?

Veteran big game hunter dies after elephant, felled by gunfire, collapses on him

Theunis Botha led his first guided hunting safari through South Africa?s grasslands in 1989.

Theunis Botha was a widely respected PH. Many regarded him as the best hounds man in Southern Africa. Many successful leopard hunts over his dogs. From reports I've read, the cow Lee that fell on him was shot from about 5 yards while charging and the pictures showed that she landed on him with her upper shoulder/neck area. He nearly got away.

As long time PH Roy Vincent told me on a safari back in 1983, "elephants can hurt you worse on accident than most other animals can on purpose".

LAST EDITED ON May-29-17 AT 12:14PM (MST)[p]Sad day, for his family and all those he guided and stood between certain death and a great day in the field. But for people like him, many of us would be pretty inept.

It does give one pause however, whether it's racing motorcycles, jumping from airplanes, riding broncs and bulls, hunting dangerous game, or what ever, if we keep putting ourselves, on a daily basis, up against the really crazy environments, on one day, sooner or later, gravity will get you. Not saying they should or shouldn't, many times it's necessary, sometimes it just for fun, but either way, when you hang it all out there, over and over, "an elephant will eventually fall on you".

May he and all those who live this life style and paid the ultimate price, rest in peace.


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