Little cysts in deer meat?


Long Time Member
Anyone know what the little white cysts in the deer meat is
They look like little tomato seeds in the meat when butchering. Seen them before, but this last deer has quite a few. Thanks in advance.
Sounds like the larval form of tapeworm, pretty common in deer and ungulates as I recall. If so, no health issues to humans. Hard to tell without visual confirmation...
Probably some form of Sarcocystis. Google it for pictures and you will probably recognize it. Supposed to be harmless to humans but not very appetizing to look at.
All critters have included.
If the meat is cooked properly, it will not be a problem.
Humans get tape worms. And a lot of other stuff.
Ive seen them in a deer and Elk that I butchered, grossed me out. I cut them into jerkey meat so that I could cut out any that I found. The ones I had were like a white seed type deal with a clear sack around them. Do you have picts? If the deer is lousy with them I dont think I could eat it.

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