Bear Size help


Hey guys never really bear hunted before I have this camera set for elk and deer and had this bear come in just wanted to see what you guys thought bout him is a boar? Is it a good bear or just an average one.

the black line on the stick in this pic right above his back is 3 feet.
Bears are about the hardest of all animals to judge. I've seen Master Guides in Alaska with over 40 years exp. get it wrong at times. My guess, and it's just that is that it is a mature but still young bear, not a big bear. It looks leggy, doesn't have a huge head. It could be a boar but could just as easily be a sow.

That 3 foot mark on the stick tells me nothing because it's in front of the bear, but you can't tell how far because there's no depth perception in the photo. Also the downward angle of the photo doesn't help. Is this the only bear you've seen during the hunt?

Where are you hunting? Some places just don't get a lot of big bears compared to others. It'll always be a lot harder to judge bears when spot and stalk hunting or even baiting, than it is to be able to look at every angle when they are in a tree.

Good luck on your hunt. I love bear hunting.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-12-13 AT 02:50PM (MST)[p]That is a mature bear, but not a giant. The best way to tell the age of a bear is by how big his ears are and where they are positioned on it's head.

These two would be some old bears, if they were in the wild!


In all seriousness, look at a teddy bear and that is what you are looking for in a trophy bear. Ears are set on the side of the head and look like little round nubs, not pointed or flappy.


With this bear I wish I could find my better pictures, but you can see the disctance between the base of the ears. He measured 20 12/16 inches, which would put him just outside of an all time Boone and Crockett. Body size doesn't mean much for bears, you look at the head and how far apart those ears are. Which can be really hard to see unless he is walking straigh at you.
Alright thanks guys I appreciate it. He's not the only bear on my camera he is definatly the biggest. Pookie thanks for the advice good to know about the ear thing maybe I'll draw a tag in.the next year or two and will be able to hunt him.
That is a coastal bear from AK. I keep meaning to get back up there for another hunt, but just haven't made it yet.
Pookie, whereabouts. I actually filmed and produced a bear hunting video up there called "Hunting Alaska's Coastal Giants"

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