Gender BS


Long Time Member
Ive never really understood why people care what other people do. Want to call yourself a girl. Good for you. Now when they require me to believe there beliefs that 2+2=5 that’s where my problem comes in. I’m a live snd let live libertarian. Unfortunately those that call themselves “liberals” are actually fascists that grab social agenda like this for power. It’s really pretty sad. I’m sure there people out there with legitimate gender issues and the people pushing the “tolerance” are only making it a worse world for them to live in
Unfortunately those that call themselves “liberals” are actually fascists that grab social agenda like this for power.
Unlike the "small government conservatives" that try to ban private companies from controlling their own businesses via vaccine passports, impose abortion laws to control women's bodies, and use lawsuits to force private internet companies to host speech they don't want to host?
Unlike the "small government conservatives" that try to ban private companies from controlling their own businesses via vaccine passports, impose abortion laws to control women's bodies, and use lawsuits to force private internet companies to host speech they don't want to host?
Grizzly are you saying you are pro-abortion? I'm not talking about incest and rape. Honset question. Maybe I am reading it wrong.
I have 4 daughters and am a staunch supporter of women’s rights. That includes unborn woman who have the right to live.

Still can’t believe there has to be such a term as “right to live” seems redundant but that’s the world we live in and theres people who still do not understand the basic sanctity of life
I’m all for abortion. if you’re going to tell a women she can’t get an abortion then you better be willing to fund that kid for life. Welfare, free lunches at school, youth treatment centers, prisons etc you’re taking that commitment for life.
I’m all for abortion. if you’re going to tell a women she can’t get an abortion then you better be willing to fund that kid for life. Welfare, free lunches at school, youth treatment centers, prisons etc you’re taking that commitment for life.
I’m all for abortion. if you’re going to tell a women she can’t get an abortion then you better be willing to fund that kid for life. Welfare, free lunches at school, youth treatment centers, prisons etc you’re taking that commitment for life.
Interesting thought woman that lets herself get pregnant has no responsibility for the baby, she can kill your baby, but if she keeps it someone else pays all the bills....interesting.
Accidents happen, why should two lives be ruined because of it Gomer?
Yeah. Correct Homer : a manager at work who is blended with six kids now, makin $200k is getting free lunches for -
All his kids ! All summer . Breakfast and lunches .

Delivered practically ?
And we will pay for millions more illegals coming from the south so what’s the big deal?
Let it rain.
On our way to Alaska a few years back when my son was prolly 7 or 8, we stayed in Seattle for a few days.
I remember walking downtown and about
every other person that walked past, I couldnt figure out if
it was a woman trying to look like a man, or a man trying to look like a woman.
My son was walking in front of me and after one particularly
strange looking organism walked by he turned around with a
puzzled look on his face and asked "Daddy..........??? I stopped him
before he could say anything else and just said " I dont know son, I really dont know".

There are a lot of confused people out there.
On our way to Alaska a few years back when my son was prolly 7 or 8, we stayed in Seattle for a few days.
I remember walking downtown and about
every other person that walked past, I couldnt figure out if
it was a woman trying to look like a man, or a man trying to look like a woman.
My son was walking in front of me and after one particularly
strange looking organism walked by he turned around with a
puzzled look on his face and asked "Daddy..........??? I stopped him
before he could say anything else and just said " I dont know son, I really dont know".

There are a lot of confused people out there.
Very sad.
Ive never really understood why people care what other people do. Want to call yourself a girl. Good for you. Now when they require me to believe there beliefs that 2+2=5 that’s where my problem comes in. I’m a live snd let live libertarian. Unfortunately those that call themselves “liberals” are actually fascists that grab social agenda like this for power. It’s really pretty sad. I’m sure there people out there with legitimate gender issues and the people pushing the “tolerance” are only making it a worse world for them to live in
Would you care if you had no choice but to let your kid get chemical castration at the age of 7 or 8 years old and the courts wouldn't let you choose until they are a lot older ? Its already there in some states.
SS! must be all for killing them…… is that your assessment, or is my logic the one that’s screwed up?
I think I made it pretty clear. I’m pro abortion. If you’re anti abortion you’re pro welfare.
On our way to Alaska a few years back when my son was prolly 7 or 8, we stayed in Seattle for a few days.
I remember walking downtown and about
every other person that walked past, I couldnt figure out if
it was a woman trying to look like a man, or a man trying to look like a woman.
My son was walking in front of me and after one particularly
strange looking organism walked by he turned around with a
puzzled look on his face and asked "Daddy..........??? I stopped him
before he could say anything else and just said " I dont know son, I really dont know".

There are a lot of confused people out there.
Would you care if you had no choice but to let your kid get chemical castration at the age of 7 or 8 years old and the courts wouldn't let you choose until they are a lot older ? Its already there in some states.
I don’t really understand what your asking me hear. Not a knock but just can’t quite connect that last part
Grizzly are you saying you are pro-abortion? I'm not talking about incest and rape. Honset question. Maybe I am reading it wrong.
Not saying that at all as nothing I said necessarily represented my personal opinions. I've also been clear that I'm not going to get into an abortion discussion on MM. I'm just playing devil's advocate on a site that desperately needs to consider viewpoints other than those of the majority.

On the scale of socialism to libertarianism, rules that prevent abortion are much more on the side of "bigger government" than "smaller government."

Admittedly, we, as a society, have decided that some laws are necessary to prevent anarchy, but that doesn't mean it's not a worthwhile exercise to consider ones own preconceived notions on occasion and extrapolate our ideals to a logical conclusion.

For example, one person says that an abortion ban is necessary to protect an unborn child. The other says that law is a violation of their right to control their own body.

One person says they should get to enter a place of business without being vaccinated. The other person says if a private business owner only wants customers that have followed some predetermined protocol, then that's his right as a business owner.

One person says Twitter should be forced to allow a certain person to use their platform. Another person says that if Twitter wants to exclude certain speech, then the government can't place a mandate on a private company on who can use their website.

(Imagine if a future law were to apply that same law to cable news... Fox News could be REQUIRED BY THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT to let Kamala Harris come on whenever she wanted to refute what was said by Hannity or Don Jr or any other conservative. They would be forced to let her even flat-out lie on their own channel and would not be allowed to ban her or AOC or anybody else. Clearly it's not the best idea for the government to mandate ANY speech to a private company, but there are millions of people who want that for Twitter just because they agree with what this specific banned person says. People need to think about things to the next logical level and consider the repercussions. That's all I was offering.)

PS. Here's a hint, often my points are merely written to be contrarian because I know many of the people here are proud to only get media from a few select sources that will only tell them what they want to hear. That's not wise or healthy.
" if a woman let's herself get pregnant " . yeah it's always her fault . and what if her stepdad, uncle or some other creep rapes her ? she let it happen did she Mahmoud ? so the only respectable thing for her to do is have the baby or set herself on fire right..

The point has been rightly made that if you want every crack baby on the ground you have an obligation to feed, house and educate them. Stalin banned abortion because he wanted more workers and a stronger army. but when he did he made big investments into raising them at the same time. you clowns have already proven you're not willing to match a communist dictator on compassion that's a bridge too far.

But it's all good, when some 16 year old girl bleeds herself out with a coat hanger you'll know you did god's work and that's what matters .
Guns are the leading cause of death for kids in the US. and you don't give a FF so don't lecture me.

Kids aren't aborted stop that lame BS. if you ever preg checked a cow you'd understand how life begins . you bible thumpers make it sound like they're in there playing with their X box until the big day comes.

You saying no girls died from home abortions and hack shops before Roe was passed californian ? that's a large part of why real republicans helped with making abortion legal. they were about something more than an agenda.
Guns are the leading cause of death for kids in the US. and you don't give a FF so don't lecture me.

Kids aren't aborted stop that lame BS. if you ever preg checked a cow you'd understand how life begins . you bible thumpers make it sound like they're in there playing with their X box until the big day comes.

You saying no girls died from home abortions and hack shops before Roe was passed californian ? that's a large part of why real republicans helped with making abortion legal. they were about something more than an agenda.
If only your mom would’ve swallowed instead…
How Many CROWNS Did That Take?

Guns are the leading cause of death for kids in the US. and you don't give a FF so don't lecture me.

Kids aren't aborted stop that lame BS. if you ever preg checked a cow you'd understand how life begins . you bible thumpers make it sound like they're in there playing with their X box until the big day comes.

You saying no girls died from home abortions and hack shops before Roe was passed californian ? that's a large part of why real republicans helped with making abortion legal. they were about something more than an agenda.
Sorry Tog, you don’t know our heart and we don’t know yours.

Are you implying if we’ve preg checked cows we would believe life begins when oxygen enters the lungs?
So ridiculous when people say it’s not a person. It’s not the Middle Ages any more. We don’t think pregnancy is magic or for that matter the birth canal is. We know there’s a heart beat in the first trimester. Finger prints at like 5 weeks, brain activity and so on and so on.

If you’re for baby murder that’s fine. Own it. But don’t try and hide behind some BS about it not being a person.
How stupid are you people ? humans and bovine are both mammals. if you don't understand the similarities educate yourself .

Here's something scary for you, they put pig parts in people. yeah, no chit !
How stupid are you people ? humans and bovine are both mammals. if you don't understand the similarities educate yourself .

Here's something scary for you, they put pig parts in people. yeah, no chit !
I think he angling here for his sheep fetish to be accepted as socially normal
How stupid are you people ? humans and bovine are both mammals. if you don't understand the similarities educate yourself .

Here's something scary for you, they put pig parts in people. yeah, no chit !
We also share a large amount of DNA with plants and insects. We share 50% of our DNA with trees, 70% with slugs (gross), 44% with honey bees, and even 25% with daffodils. 98.5% with dolphins and 98% with pigs, what’s your point?
What gives you the right to set vaginal management policy? your beliefs should determine a woman's future ? I think not. America thinks not. it will remain legal it'll just be the poor women who can't access it in free states that suffer from your ignorance. and you won't help them after they fulfill your demands.

It's the start of a life. it can still be sluffed and if the mother dies it dies. you really need some basic understanding of biology if you're going to tell others what they can do with their body.
What's my point ? that's obvious. until later in a pregnancy a fetus isn't a calf or a human baby. it's just the beginning of the process to become one.

When you fry an egg to you have a fried egg or fried chicken ? don't give me any bullchit answer the question.
69 million kids have been killed in this country in the last 60 years and not a single shot was fired. But yeah, I believe twatgotee when he says how much he cares about kids getting killed

That kind of makes me pro abortion. What would this place look like with 69,000,000 more people? Actually much more since a lot of those would have reproduced a few times in those 60 years. I bet a lot of those would be liberals. I would be ok if all or most turned out to be conservative.
SS doesn’t want to be held accountable for his “drunkin mistakes”…He mentioned in another thread he doesn’t like spending time with the mistakes he has.
So you’re ok with welfare and supporting all these unwanted kids? So you’re on team Biden. Got it. Raise taxes or let people abort babies?

Abort away!!
That kind of makes me pro abortion. What would this place look like with 69,000,000 more people? Actually much more since a lot of those would have reproduced a few times in those 60 years. I bet a lot of those would be liberals. I would be ok if all or most turned out to be conservative.
Probably why twatgotee is so for it. Most of them were minorities
What gives you the right to set vaginal management policy? your beliefs should determine a woman's future ? I think not. America thinks not. it will remain legal it'll just be the poor women who can't access it in free states that suffer from your ignorance. and you won't help them after they fulfill your demands.

It's the start of a life. it can still be sluffed and if the mother dies it dies. you really need some basic understanding of biology if you're going to tell others what they can do with their body.
It’s the same right you “don’t have” to manage the air going into my lungs. We (meaning humans) have rules we follow and you don’t get to suck my brain out, even thought you don’t want me around. Nor do I get to take out yours or anyone else’s.

Human (both men, women and every gender in between) belief’s determine your and my future, every minute of every day.

It’s you that has the blind spot.

Now, if you’re advocation the law of the jungle is the only law, then we’re going to have a different conversation, because the law of the jungle eats it’s own, at it’s pleasure.
Yes let's get back to hating gay people. that's some good Christian fun.

Sounds like you need to learn how the womb is accessed stupid.
Who said Christian? Who said gay? When are you going to start the Jew stuff now? You have some problems man. Got a feeling you have a lot of hate and anger issues. It really comes through in your language. No wonder your pro killing babies. It get you off?
Yes let's get back to hating gay people. that's some good Christian fun.

Sounds like you need to learn how the womb is accessed stupid.
Saw that one coming……. It’s close to “their and there”, close but a different set of tracks.
That's bullsh!t. There are tens of thousands of good people out there waiting to adopt those little humans and they're not on welfare.
Riiiight. It’s not just welfare. What about all the kids born with FAS? I mean some of them turn out alright like tikka and blood tracker. What about crack babies like Manny?

The only BS is thinking all those kids have homes waiting for them.
That's expecting a is so much easier to kill them
Yes it’s easier and cheaper. Think of all the pain this world has been saved with all the abortions.

Add Gomer to the list of pro social services, welfare and a Biden lover ?
Dang SS, I'm all for abortions that have risks towards the baby or mother, or rape...but sounds like you're just all about Killin them babies to save the economy and keep your taxes lower.
Dang SS, I'm all for abortions that have risks towards the baby or mother, or rape...but sounds like you're just all about Killin them babies to save the economy and keep your taxes lower.
It’s just an added perk. While I would never want a women I’ve knocked up to have an abortion I respect their right to do what they want with their body. If we allow society to dress up in camo why can’t we let women do what they want with their bodies?
That's bullsh!t. There are tens of thousands of good people out there waiting to adopt those little humans and they're not on welfare.

I agree if they’re healthy. I saw one kid in town in foster care that was so handicap, it wasn’t even funny. He could not get anywhere without assistance and was always having accidents in his pants. I was told his birth mum would get blackout drunk every day during her pregnancy. No one was lining up to adopt this kid that was over 10 years old.
I agree if they’re healthy. I saw one kid in town in foster care that was so handicap, it wasn’t even funny. He could not get anywhere without assistance and was always having accidents in his pants. I was told his birth mum would get blackout drunk every day during her pregnancy. No one was lining up to adopt this kid that was over 10 years old.
My son was born with disabilities that 75% of couples chose to have an abortion when they find out their unborn child is going to have those particular disabilities. So chances are 75% of the anti abortion posters on this thread would switch their minds pretty quick. They can squawk that they wouldn’t but until you’re in that situation you don’t know.

The govt controls so much already, I can’t believe you guys want them to control your body too.
Are you ready for some football?

The Carolina Panthers Hire NFL’s First Trans Cheerleader​

Imagine how many more there would be if those 90 or 100 million were here if there was no abortion? We would have long ago been numb to those kinds of headlines. We would surely have a few more genders to talk about too. While I don’t think abortion is the greatest thing ever, and don’t love it, it dang sure slows our decay.
My son was born with disabilities that 75% of couples chose to have an abortion when they find out their unborn child is going to have those particular disabilities. So chances are 75% of the anti abortion posters on this thread would switch their minds pretty quick. They can squawk that they wouldn’t but until you’re in that situation you don’t know.

The govt controls so much already, I can’t believe you guys want them to control your body too.
Should have been no big deal or loss for you to have killed him

Copied and pasted for your consideration:​

Elon Musk: Is It Asperger's or Level 1 ASD​

Stephen Hawking amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)

Nikola Tesla was often mentally compromised, and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart suffered from mood swings. Beethoven was periodically depressed; Tolstoy was a strange, otherworldly, idiosyncratic aristocrat; and let's not forget the periodically outright psychotic, super-genius Isaac Newton.

Meriweather Lewis shot himself with bipolar disease.

Terry Bradshaw is tormented by countless types of mental illness.

Winston Churchhill was an educational case away.

Abraham Lincoln
– Clinical Depression, PTSD

John Nash – Schizophrenia

Not every person that looks to be a liability ends up being a drag on society.
Years ago I worked in a bus station which had travel routes to Trinidad, CO. Trinidad was the home of Dr. Stanley Biber, the pioneer sex change doctor in the US.

We had a few folks headed to Trinidad for that surgery. They were usually easy to way tickets to was very nice, adams apples, big knuckles.....and, to the man, they were extremely polite. They never made a scene, never stood out for any reason at all. At this point in their journey, they already had hormonal therapy; some had boob jobs. But, their penis was still attached; hence their trip to Trinidad.

By extreme contrast, most of todays lgbtqrt&^%$ are far more in your face...'hey, you MUST accept me or else'. That part I have a hard time dealing with. I will accept that they are making a physiologically irreversible choice and that's it. Don't steal from me, don't fukkkk with my family and we will get along fine.

Copied and pasted for your consideration:​

Elon Musk: Is It Asperger's or Level 1 ASD​

Stephen Hawking amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)

Nikola Tesla was often mentally compromised, and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart suffered from mood swings. Beethoven was periodically depressed; Tolstoy was a strange, otherworldly, idiosyncratic aristocrat; and let's not forget the periodically outright psychotic, super-genius Isaac Newton.

Meriweather Lewis shot himself with bipolar disease.

Terry Bradshaw is tormented by countless types of mental illness.

Winston Churchhill was an educational case away.

Abraham Lincoln
– Clinical Depression, PTSD

John Nash – Schizophrenia

Not every person that looks to be a liability ends up being a drag on society.
Ok boomer
Consider that sentence being rephrased from abortion to immigration...

sounds like you're just all about keeping Mexican babies in poverty and crime to save the economy and keep your taxes lower.
Uhm....what? I'm all about Mexicans coming here lol as long as they do so legally. If they wanna be here illegally, they can get the boot legally.
This abortion talk isn't going anywhere.

Here is something more positive and what we need. We need real men today instead of what is happening. Someone on this thread said they don't care how you look or act. Maybe you should think about what you are saying ..

Pvt Barrett
Private Carlton W. Barrett
Unit: 18th Infantry, 1st Infantry Division.

Citation: For gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty on 6 June 1944, in the vicinity of St. Laurent-sur-Mer, France. On the morning of D-day Pvt. Barrett, landing in the face of extremely heavy enemy fire, was forced to wade ashore through neck-deep water. Disregarding the personal danger, he returned to the surf again and again to assist his floundering comrades and save them from drowning. Refusing to remain pinned down by the intense barrage of small-arms and mortar fire poured at the landing points, Pvt. Barrett, working with fierce determination, saved many lives by carrying casualties to an evacuation boat Iying offshore. In addition to his assigned mission as guide, he carried dispatches the length of the fire-swept beach; he assisted the wounded; he calmed the shocked; he arose as a leader in the stress of the occasion. His coolness and his dauntless daring courage while constantly risking his life during a period of many hours had an inestimable effect on his comrades and is in keeping with the highest traditions of the U.S. Army.
I’m all for abortion. if you’re going to tell a women she can’t get an abortion then you better be willing to fund that kid for life. Welfare, free lunches at school, youth treatment centers, prisons etc you’re taking that commitment for life.
Why am I on the hook to support their choices? They made the choice to engage in activities that create children. Our government has incentivised bad behavior for decades with free food, free rent money, and free abortions, and now free drug paraphernalia. I'm in favor of dropping nearly all social programs, and let people rely on their family, neighbors, and churches like we used to. Might be rough for a while, but it will sort itself out in time.
Guns are the leading cause of death for kids in the US. and you don't give a FF so don't lecture me.

Kids aren't aborted stop that lame BS. if you ever preg checked a cow you'd understand how life begins . you bible thumpers make it sound like they're in there playing with their X box until the big day comes.

You saying no girls died from home abortions and hack shops before Roe was passed californian ? that's a large part of why real republicans helped with making abortion legal. they were about something more than an agenda.
You are including suicides in that gun stat, which you shouldn't. The gun didn't decide to kill the person, they decided to kill themselves.
Why am I on the hook to support their choices? They made the choice to engage in activities that create children. Our government has incentivised bad behavior for decades with free food, free rent money, and free abortions, and now free drug paraphernalia. I'm in favor of dropping nearly all social programs, and let people rely on their family, neighbors, and churches like we used to. Might be rough for a while, but it will sort itself out in time.
You’re not on the hook for their choice. You’re on the hook for your choice to force them to keep the child.
Why am I on the hook to support their choices? They made the choice to engage in activities that create children. Our government has incentivised bad behavior for decades with free food, free rent money, and free abortions, and now free drug paraphernalia. I'm in favor of dropping nearly all social programs, and let people rely on their family, neighbors, and churches like we used to. Might be rough for a while, but it will sort itself out in time.
So you want less govt but you want the govt to tell you what you can and can’t do to your body? Gotcha.
I don’t really understand what your asking me hear. Not a knock but just can’t quite connect that last part
I am saying that the left is already pushing for kids to change their physical attributes through drugs to be a he- she or a she-he and their parents can't say no. I'm talking about young kids who don't even understand the birds and the bees.
So if a kid grows up and and is gay it is their choice. But don't mess with little kids chemically to inhibit or enhance hormones.
There are people with xxxy and xxxxy or whatever. But my kids don't belong to the Govt.
I'm not here to discuss abortion- I'm against it, and I know I won't change my mind and most Pro Abs won't change theirs either. But some of the women who who chose abortion may feel guilt or shame later and I have seen it.
Being against abortion has nothing to do with a particular church it is a Christian belief fundamentally and also those who see that a beating heart and a body Is a life that is waiting to meet the world may form a pro life belief.
I know some MMrs don't believe in deity. But my things is we aren't City folk . We might live in cities but we hunt, and see the great outdoors much more than some Long Island dweller that hasn't even been in a cow pasture or heard and seen Elk Bugle or seen a Mountain Goat jump from one face of a cliff to another . Or spent the night far from light pollution and looked at the galaxy in all it's glory.
How can we not see that this world is a creation and not an evolution of stupid events ?
Oops, did I share my belief? ?
Meh. If it’s inside of you it’s your decision.
Only……..if our government decides you can.

The government decides if you can trespass, steal clothes in San Francisco, go 80 in Utah, kill Griz in British Columbia, dig razor clams in California, unplug your boomer Dad, cross a corner in Wyoming, cut your wife’s throat in Brentwood, guide hunters in Alaska, **** on the streets in Portland, shoot dope in Seattle, grow pot in Colorado, kill a new born in New Jersey, enslave a Muslim in China, yet……….. you think it’s wrong if it decides if you, she, we can kill a living, unborn child.

GenX/Millennial/ logic, at its most disgusting.
Only……..if our government decides you can.

The government decides if you can trespass, steal clothes in San Francisco, go 80 in Utah, kill Griz in British Columbia, dig razor clams in California, unplug your boomer Dad, cross a corner in Wyoming, cut your wife’s throat in Brentwood, guide hunters in Alaska, **** on the streets in Portland, shoot dope in Seattle, grow pot in Colorado, kill a new born in New Jersey, enslave a Muslim in China, yet……….. you think it’s wrong if it decides if you, she, we can kill a living, unborn child.

GenX/Millennial/ logic, at its most disgusting.
What’s disgusting is you don’t want the abortion but then are not willing to take care of the baby. So it suffers a life. Better a quick death than a life of suffering.
Do people here acknowledge there may be different beliefs on when "life" begins?

Some people believe it's when the sperm fertilizes the egg, even if it's not implanted in the mother yet. Some people believe it's at implantation.

Some people believe it's at heartbeat. (The definition of "heartbeat" is even disputed by some in the medical field as to whether it is the flutter of cells that will eventually become a heart or whether it requires the formation of chambers and/or a rhythm to be considered a heartbeat.)

Some people consider life at viability and some consider it later than that.

Some people consider embryonic stem cells grown in a petri dish ("peach tree dish" to MTG) to be life and others don't.

My question is whether you think there's room for discussion there or if there's only one right answer (yours?) and anybody who thinks differently is wrong?

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