Recent content by DBR

  1. D

    7 day wait

    Go on “YouTube” and punch in ABQ RAW see all the killing in ABQ and tell me if any one of those thugs are waiting the 7 days for their gun. The American dream in NM is to steal a Walmart shopping cart, find a blue tarp, pick out a spot on a sidewalk and set up camp. MLG and the liberal democrats...
  2. D

    Fire watch

    Let’s hope for the best. This is in 34. In 36 the they are letting it just burn up in the wilderness. They said Mother Nature will take care of it. That’s what they said in 2012 when the Little Bear fire started then the wind picked up and the rest is history.
  3. D

    Rich man’s game

    Gay is putting it mild.
  4. D

    Rich man’s game

    Might be a little easier because a guide usually knows where to go,knows the country and has been scouting the game, also usually more successful.
  5. D

    Rich man’s game

    Rich man’s game….ha lol …..$5000 to $15,000 will get you a hell of a tag and a hunt. That’s used car prices, Hardly rich man money. Have you been to the grocery store$$$$$ lately or looked into buying a house$$$$ or some land $$$$$ have you been to Disneyland $$$$$ how about a nice restaurant...
  6. D

    Rich man’s game

    It’s just like everything else going up $$$. I looked at a new diesel pickup truck last week $105,300
  7. D

    A 1st for NM

    New Mexico finally scored a first place for something other than being first in the worst education system in the US. Sanctuary state, soft on crime, defund the police, felons out on bail and kill again, drugs everywhere. The Governor will tell you how good she is doing and how hard she is...
  8. D

    Benefits of E Plus

    Spoken like a true modern day liberal! I’ve been in states that can’t hold a candle to NM hunting and the elk management. The elk are flourishing everywhere I go in elk country. This conversation usually comes up every year after the draw when guys don’t get a tag. Better luck next year.
  9. D

    Wyoming unit 24 elk

    Hey BuzzH didn’t your guide buddy from AZ Stan “AZ 402“ spoon feed you those critters from AZ you posted?
  10. D


    Trump 2020
  11. D

    Bulls & Cows...September

    Same bull from Tuesday all rubbed out and ready to go on Friday..
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  14. D

    Bulls & Cows...September

    Yeah still in velvet.
  15. D

    Voting for Trump in November? Let's hear it.

    Trump 2020 !!
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