Recent content by Delta

  1. D


    This proves you have no respect for any belief other than your own.
  2. D

    Greatest Mule Deer Hunter of all time?

    You have all lost your damn minds. There are those who do give a **** about scores. I know 2 men, one is my dad. The other has more 30” mule deer than any man I know. These men don’t care scores. I knew Doyle when he finished concrete. He is a kind man period.
  3. D

    Greatest Mule Deer Hunter of all time?

    27 mules required
  4. D

    Backdoor surprise??

    Yeah for what?? To quote the immortal words of Aerosmith “ Dream On”
  5. D

    I'M CALLIN BS!!!

    Rhetorical comment
  6. D

    I'M CALLIN BS!!!

    Just remember you can’t call BS on every single topic.
  7. D

    Points are Points

    Reality is create your own opportunity. If you want to hunt every year create the opportunity. Points are points.
  8. D

    Final Muzzleloader Scope Committee Recommendation

    Quigley peep sight is all you need!
  9. D

    Pierce shadow action

    Bergers are great for target and coyotes. Unless you listen to long range BS. Who on earth wants an exploding bullet on big game?
  10. D

    Swarovski Pure vs EL

    Until the next red head comes out
  11. D

    Kamas Once In A Lifetime Moose Tag

    In a galaxy along time ago that was a great tag. Now days I wish you the best. I wound absolutely hire a guide.
  12. D


    The individual not the arrow. You can not cheat physics or mathematics. Efficiency is the same conversation as size.
  13. D

    A QUESTION FOR THE PRO'S!!! Hossy,hawky & THE KING???

    Pros?? Total bullshit
  14. D


    But expo tags will still be given out.
  15. D

    Limited entry tag proposals

    Look at it closely. No wonder folks hold on to points.
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