Recent content by Desertmuleyguide

  1. Desertmuleyguide

    AGFD - IMPORTANT Commission Meeting - June 11, Payson

    There are only really a handful of units like that. There are lots of places below in the rest of the state where there are only one or even none. Those units kind of ruined it for the whole state.
  2. Desertmuleyguide

    Anyone have…?

    I hate them... but I love them... lol. I've killed plenty with a rifle, never with a bow. Of course now I guide nearly every day of the archery hunt so I don't even know when I'll get another chance. Kind of a bummer but a guy has to make a living. Want to hear something worse? The wife and I...
  3. Desertmuleyguide

    Anyone have…?

    I have no idea what those guys up there will do. I think it will depend on the outfit. I refuse to believe they can't get it done without cameras. I never use them and we do just fine down in the desert. I don't think there's a tougher place on earth to hunt muleys. If we can do it, they can...
  4. Desertmuleyguide

    Anyone have…?

    Maybe my experience is a bit different. I ended up guiding because I was helping my best friend get his business going. I didn't plan on doing it as a career. Anyway, since the beginning he has managed the business with attention to every detail. If one of his guides was shady, he'd know it. I...
  5. Desertmuleyguide

    AGFD - IMPORTANT Commission Meeting - June 11, Payson

    One thing I do know is one of the outfitters that called and was in favor of the ban does pretty darn well guiding muley hunts in Nevada. Greg Krough with Mogollon Outfitters. He hunted a lot with Randy Ulmer for a lot of years. I've never heard a bad thing about him.
  6. Desertmuleyguide

    AGFD - IMPORTANT Commission Meeting - June 11, Payson

    Thank you for your perspective. That was my take away. I started off against the ban but ended up on the fence before the actual vote. I don't use them so it doesn't really affect me. I had similar feelings after having listening to the commission.
  7. Desertmuleyguide

    AGFD - IMPORTANT Commission Meeting - June 11, Payson

    Not just guides and outfitters. Anyone that wants to get around the new rule. It'll be easier for DIY guys to get away with.
  8. Desertmuleyguide

    AGFD - IMPORTANT Commission Meeting - June 11, Payson

    Here's a question... Will the posterboy for "don't use trail cameras" (the first guy busted under this rule) be a DIY guy or a guide? I think it will be a guide.
  9. Desertmuleyguide

    AGFD - IMPORTANT Commission Meeting - June 11, Payson

    I agree 100%. It's not like they don't see and didn't hear the comments about how it's unenforceable... and yes.. I've made them too... lol. They will go after the first bunch of violators with both barrels.
  10. Desertmuleyguide

    AGFD - IMPORTANT Commission Meeting - June 11, Payson

    What did you think of some of the comments against the ban?
  11. Desertmuleyguide

    Anyone have…?

    I agree to an extent. But I also feel like outfitting is different than most other industries. Nobody is trying to get rid of delivery services to save the animals (unless they're delivering oil... lol). I think we need to be held to a very high standard ethically or we leave doors open for...
  12. Desertmuleyguide

    Anyone have…?

    That's exactly why I'm so thankful we won't mess with any auction tags or strip hunts. For me personally and ethically, being a guide is riding close to the edge anyway. I know it sounds weird coming from a "desertmuleyguide" but the reality is... money corrupts. You have to have a strong...
  13. Desertmuleyguide

    Anyone have…?

    One thing to remember.. Arizona doesn't have outfitters licenses. I wish they did!! The reason that matters is an outfitter can't be held responsible for what one of their guides do. You see it every year, outfitter so and so had a guide get busted for such and such. They always mention the...
  14. Desertmuleyguide

    AGFD - IMPORTANT Commission Meeting - June 11, Payson

    Good point!!! Hadn't looked at it that way. All the more reason to follow my last sentence.
  15. Desertmuleyguide

    AGFD - IMPORTANT Commission Meeting - June 11, Payson

    After Jan 1st, it will be illegal to use a trailcam to aid in the take of an animal. The key words are "aid in the take". You can still use trailcams for fun but you cannot get a picture of an animal and then go harvest that animal. After thinking it through, I think if you have a hunting...
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