Recent content by Mbklmann

  1. M

    Springbar Type Tent

    I think there's a reason I see a lot of kodiak canvas tents in the hunting woods. I am currently using my 10x14 for the whole month. Once this one craps out, (if it does) i will be buying the deluxe model.
  2. M

    Bugle tracker 2022

    I've heard three bugles in a certain unit in Eastern Oregon. It has been extremely hot, since the opener and isn't cooling down much. I assume once it does, it will get them talking more.
  3. M

    Favorite Elk mouth Call

    I like to make my own! Much prefer prophylactic over latex. Doesn't last near as long but way better sounding, imo.
  4. M

    Sled Springs Archery Elk And Deer

    Thats what I had thought. I plan on mostly scouting the forest (assuming high danger will be in effect). If not, ill check out the other side. I also will be the there for the whole season. Hope it rains a bunch.
  5. M

    Sled Springs Archery Elk And Deer

    Dad and I each drew archery tags. Planning on making at least one scouting trip in mid August for four days. Plan on taking a rifle and a bear tag also. Any insight on places to look for, any friendly ranchers that hate whitetails, any decent camp spots? Any info is greatly appreciated.
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