Recent content by Robbyt60

  1. Robbyt60

    Sheep & Goat Results up Tomorrow. 4/19/2022

    Still waiting 30+ years!!
  2. Robbyt60

    Unit 10 archery elk

  3. Robbyt60

    Unit 10 archery elk

    I had a friend in 10 last week that talked to a archer that said the NR muzzleloader hunter shot a 365 bull.
  4. Robbyt60

    Seeking info for bear hunt in Bosque Del Oso

    I would take it, my friends son has a buck tag and he just talked to the biologist/ warden and lots of acorns this year due to the moisture.
  5. Robbyt60

    unit 10 3rd season deer

    I will be in 10 for early rifle elk, I have also been on several cow hunts over the past 5 years. Saw several 170-180 type bucks in 2016, saw a monster 200+ ( game warden said it was over 220) on private in 2017. Back up in 2019 and honestly saw very few deer. I will be glad to share any deer...
  6. Robbyt60

    WIN a Pack! Easy to Enter!

    I want that pack on my back
  7. Robbyt60

    Longest sheep tag application drought?

    Currently 30 in Colorado, can’t complain too much as drew a goat and 3 moose tags
  8. Robbyt60

    WIN a Nosegunner Bino Case! - Easy Entry...

    “I want a bino case!”
  9. Robbyt60

    colorado mule deer with upper canines

    Thought I would share this eastern plains Colorado mule deer with upper canines. I have been big game hunting for 45 years with more than 50 deer harvested and this is a first for me. Anyone else shot any of these? From what information I have found basically prehistoric genes passed on. The...
  10. Robbyt60

    Leftover List

    Those are the ones I was talking about, even with the leftover app it's tough.
  11. Robbyt60

    Leftover List

    Good timing, 6 good buck antelope tags just popped up. I was already logged in the system and could not of entered the info any faster, entered cc info hit enter and quota gone!! Good Adrenalin rush and thankful for the opportunity, I'm 1 for 7 on the reissue so far I'll keep trying!!
  12. Robbyt60

    Cow Moose 7, 8, 191!!!

    Feel free to pm me, I have killed 2 moose in those units, live within 60 miles and hunted that area for over 30 years.
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