Pronghorn Unit 67


Active Member
Looks like there are very few tags given out in unit 67 for archery, muzzy, or rifle. Are there just not many pronghorn in the Gunnison Basin?
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The antelope really get hammered in 67 by the monster Gunnison Winters when they hit. So do the deer. They still haven't recovered to previous levels from before the '07-'08 Blizzard from Hell. 90 % losses on deer there & a wipeout on antelope there too. The entire Gunnison area around there was blasted. Sad but true. Jerry Gold-- Ft Collins, Colorado ?⭐
It is true that the antelope get hurt by Gunnison winters. To say antelope do not do well in deep snow is an understatement. The bucks that manage to make it can be special. The two kill pics are my buddies with their great bucks. The small wall mount is mine for which I needed 16 resident points 3 years ago. I couldn't find one like theirs and I tried.



You do the best you can hunting those very big bucks. It's almost never easy anywhere !
All 3 bucks are fine bucks. Many times I've eaten tag soup in so many states. Been at this game 42 years now, found 4 big ones & dropped 3. All All Time B/C. 2 - I was my late wife's guide. It's been lots of adventures. Going on another this Oct in Co. Now I go alone. Best Wishes, & Good Hunting ! Jerry Gold-- Ft Collins, Colorado ?
Jerry, Sorry for your loss. Good luck on your next loper hunt. Post some photos of your bucks sometime. I’d love to see them. You probably already have, but I’m fairly new to the site. I’m sure many guys wouldn’t mind seeing them again.
Jerry, Sorry for your loss. Good luck on your next loper hunt. Post some photos of your bucks sometime. I’d love to see them. You probably already have, but I’m fairly new to the site. I’m sure many guys wouldn’t mind seeing them again.
Thank you for your comment about my loss of my wife, my best hunting buddy for 40 years. She took to hunting like a duck takes to water. She was a great friend & excellent Hunter & great shot too ! I will try to post /attach those 3 best bucks-- Colorado on left from South of Walden, middle from N Mex., right from Utah. ? Jerry Gold
Thank you for your comment about my loss of my wife, my best hunting buddy for 40 years. She took to hunting like a duck takes to water. She was a great friend & excellent Hunter & great shot too ! I will try to post /attach those 3 best bucks-- Colorado on left from South of Walden, middle from N Mex., right from Utah. ? Jerry Gold
Thank you for your comment about my loss of my wife, my best hunting buddy for 40 years. She took to hunting like a duck takes to water. She was a great friend & excellent Hunter & great shot too ! I will try to post /attach those 3 best bucks-- Colorado on left from South of Walden, middle from N Mex., right from Utah. ? Jerry Gold
On 2 nd try the photo went thru good. ? Jerry Gold -- I spent 2 weeks covering every inch I could south of Walden on that number one buck on left, then boom there he was with his harem of 7 does. Netted 84 B/C. A real thriller. Stalk opening AM 10/1 went perfect. Most of the time that just doesn't happen as you know.
As you can guess, really big antelope are my favorite game ! Wish I had the $$ to hunt NM every year. But I so hate those 2-3 day seasons.
Never hunted AZ., never got a permit either & I lived in Flagstaff 14 years. ?
Good Hunting ! Jerry ?
Nice bucks Jerry, what unit do you think is the best this year in Colorado. I was in North Park last fall and actually saw quite a few antelope
The Gunnison basin has a very small population of pronghorn. I think the only reason it takes so many points is that there are very few tags available. For the points it takes there are much better units. This winter has been about average for snow and temps, so I think winter kill for all big game will be average too.
Nice bucks Jerry, what unit do you think is the best this year in Colorado. I was in North Park last fall and actually saw quite a few antelope
I’m still trying to figure that one out for this years application ! I won’t be putting in for Gunnison Area— don’t have the points & just not worth it either. I suspect some of the private lands areas in far southern Colorado are very good, but no way to really know that. So I’m still searching for the answer too. Glad to learn North Park seems to be recovering from some bad winter losses a few years ago. That area has some good genetics !
Actually, I wouldn’t suggest anyone put in for antelope in Gunnison. We have done it because it’s fun to antelope on the same mountain where we hunt elk, deer, sheep, bear, birds, and fish. No luck yet for a moose tag. I waited 17 years just to enjoy and achieve it. It was worth it to me. My small antelope shoulder mount means a lot and brings great memories. I have been to Wyoming a couple of times for some fun hunts.

Colorado Hunting Guides & Outfitters

Rocky Mountain Ranches

Hunt some of the finest ranches in N.W. Colorado. Superb elk, mule deer, and antelope hunting.

Frazier Outfitting

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CJ Outfitters

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Allout Guiding & Outfitting

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Hunters Domain

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