2020 Muzzy Hunt with my Sons


Active Member
No tags for me this year. Last year was great with a Rocky Mountain Goat and a Muzzy buck for me and a Big horn sheep for my 15 year old.

This year it was all about my two youngest sons. 13 and 16. My 19 year old came along too, so this was one of the first times I remember havimg just me and my 3 sons all together. Usually fooball, school, or work gets in the way for at least one boy. My boys drew the rifle tag for a general season unit in Utah. This allows them to hunt archery, muzzy and rifle until they fill their tag.

We were happy with the animals we saw on the archery. My 16 year old had a good buck at 55 yards in the pines but only had a head shot. It ran away when he tried to reposition for the vitals. I normally dont do trail cams but I had picked up a $13 clearance cam and figured if it gets taken I'm not out much. We set it up where the buck was and figured we'd check it on the muzzy hunt. When we checked it the buck he couldn't shoot was posing nicely for the camera.

There were several other critters on the camera. Heres some pics.

Getting ready for this hunt was hectic. We had sighted the muzzys in but I wanted another assurance that my 13 year old was good to go. On the thursday before the hunt I set a target out at 100 and 200 yards. Here's his 100 yard shot

And his 200 yard shot


I felt pretty good that he was on. My 16 year old shot well too and he already has a muzzy buck under his belt with the gun he'd be using.

On opening morning of the hunt I was surprised when my 13 year old had a decent 2x3 at 35 yards broadside. Did'nt know we were there. He said dad I want something bigger. I said that is bigger than mine or your brothers first bucks, he said lets try for bigger.

Later that day we hiked up a diferent part of the valley and saw a nice 3 point with mass. It was big enough for him. Boom! the buck didn't move until I helped my son reload. Then it ran off untouched. He was inside of 100 yards. Buck fever I guess. My 19 year old had been pushing and was on the ridge above us. he couldn't believe the miss but such is hunting.

That evening we saw a 23" 3 point and a 22" 4 point with really good mass. My 13 year old shot at the 4 point. Another miss. Now he was discouraged. I told him of how many deer I've missed over the years. It's part of the game. I said we still have a couple days.
2 years ago I helped a guy my age on his first hunt. Story Here
He was in camp with us this year with a tag. On day two he was a bit sore. I didn't know that he had had back surgery the week before. The hiking was getting to him He too was hoping for a 4 point and had passed on 5 - 2 points and 3 - 3 points. When it came to the evening we decided that all three tag holders would go to where my 13 year old had missed the 4 point the night before. This year was incredibly dry and the deer seemed to look for water early. We were setting up at 5:30. We hadn't been in position for 10 minutes when I told my 16 year old here comes a 4 point. Boom! Spined and two olbiterated lungs and his buck dropped dead in the middle of a 4 wheeler path.
My 19 year old was up at camp and had seen the buck and shot through the spotting scope. He came running down the mountain to us and got there (1/4 mile) in the time that we reloaded and closed the 62 yard distance.

Here's the three of us


Because the buck was dead and it was early we put it on a wheeler and went 150 yards away to field dress him. Now the other two tag holders could have a chance again. Two hours later 2 two points came in. Not your typical 2 points. They were bigger bodied than my sons 4 point. and just as wide. my 13 year old still didn't want a 2 point but the other tag holder decided he was hunting for meat and couldnt pass on a buck that dies in a 4 wheeler path so Boom!.

I don't have a feild pick of him with his buck as it was dark and I was now helping my son with his 4 point. He truly was in it for the meat and gave the head to my 13 year old who didn't get a buck on this hunt. I'm working on some euros. You can see a portion of it here with my sons buck.

I'll post the euros here when I'm done. Here we are back at camp skinning the bucks in our lone tree that has hung many bucks for us.
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Awesome thats a great buck for your son!

Your youngest is probably gonna kill a pig on the rifle hunt for holding out!

P.s. I have a few heads for you to boil i will pay you in antelope jerky?
I said I'd come back to this thread and post up the Euros when finished. After all the meat and tissue was removed I wrapped in foil and marinated the skulls in a paste made of 30% hydrogen peroxide and magnesium carbonate.

Then after 2 days of whitening I opened them and rinsed off the paste residue.


Next it was a day of sun drying.


After some minor stain touch ups around the pedicles and some bondo for the antelope sheaths they were done.
This was my first attempt at an antelope skull. Roughly the same as a deer but I found it to be much greasier and gave it a dip in acetone. Here's the finished product.


And here is the results of my brother in laws four point Euro.


One of the Dadsof a boy on my son's football team is trying to start a hunting business. He gave my son one of his "Hiden" hats. Can you find the Hiden hat?

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