Would you send an arrow at this one?


Founder Since 1999
This would be your one and only chance at this buck. No waiting for him to move, nothing. This is the shot, because in 15 seconds he's going to blow out of there, never to be seen again.
Would you take the shot on this one? He's 51 yards out.
Quartering towards you with that branch in the way...???

It's easy to say no. I like to keep my max to 45 yards. But once your in this situation things change pretty quick and you convince yourself you can make it.
I would be in the same situation as montezmarchery, I would have been hoping he steps forward and gives me a better shot. Then he would blow out of there without me getting a shot.
I would take that shot and would nail that pine bough dead center!!!

Seriously though, yes, I would take that shot. We practice shots through brush all the time to be comfortable for when these situations arise. Even if you hit a little far back your still getting one lung and liver. And with that angle an exit hole would be out the bottom leaving a great blood trail.

The only two reasons I don’t take these chip-shot heart shots are because my local deer are too fidgety and plus I am apparently a crappy shot and a coward (so maybe 3 reasons). Otherwise, highly recommended, but only on really big bucks that might get away if you don’t try. Otherwise, dumb old-school people with slow bows think its unethical. Also, there’s no brush in the way, and that tends to throw me off, since I practice shooting my deer through obstacles, or major joints, as they provide a good frame of reference, plus my arrows are guaranteed by the mfg. not to deflect or be stopped. Then again, think of that blood trail if I were to sever its testicles…

Anyhow, let’s all go smash some bone!!

Bowhunting is confusing. 😂
No. The tree stem is in the way. The opening would lead to a gut shot, with maybe a small portion clipping lungs or liver.
No shot for me.

Inside of 30 yards, yes, I'm confidently shooting and know I will make a clean kill. I have over 90lbs of KE with my setup so a mule deer shoulder is zero concern. i have taken 15-20 deer with this shot angle with no problems at close range. At 40+, I wouldn't even consider it simply because deer can and do react to the shot so I don't like the angle, even if it was wide open. 30-40 yards and I would have a tough decision to make but I would like to think I pass the shot.
Ok 2 serious questions:

1) Yes I know a broadhead can penetrate a shoulder blade regularly, and pretty easily (for a fixed blade at least) at 90 degrees. But doesn’t a raking angle on flat bone give more ppl pause?

2) What do people say about hitting the humerus/ball joint?

Absolutely not! I’m waiting for a better shot and hoping I haven’t stunk up the place from wetting my pants! 🤣🤣
nope. id be waiting for him to step out and then never get the shot. would like to know where you get your crystal ball though if you "know" that's the only shot?

i can't account for the tardiest of utards that i'm sure are sending it once they see his nose in the bushes, but the actual archers i know are planning on waiting him out.

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