Gathering Firewood


Long Time Member
it makes me feel warm all over when the logging truck pulls up to the house and unloads a big bunk of Fir for the next 3 coming winters
Is that timber from Baldy?
I've been trying to get a load or two of that but it always seems I'm a day late.
Love that fir.
I used to ,but now the forest service gives you the map and you spend more in fuel just trying to find a few dead trees within a mile from the road
Just kidding around. I do cut my own. Still enjoy it and it gets me in the hills more. Usually take a rifle or the pistols and make a day of it. mtmuley
You cheat !
My back doesn’t think so. I also used to split it by hand, but I didn’t want to sound like the jp of woodcutting. :ROFLMAO:

There’s still a few 20” ers in there to wrassle around, and I still get to play with saw so plenty of ways to fowl up. I don’t have that many lives left so I’m glad to be out of the tree felling biz.
My back doesn’t think so. I also used to split it by hand, but I didn’t want to sound like the jp of woodcutting. :ROFLMAO:

There’s still a few 20” ers in there to wrassle around, and I still get to play with saw so plenty of ways to fowl up. I don’t have that many lives left so I’m glad to be out of the tree felling biz.
The JP of woodcutting. Awesome. mtmuley
Having the logs delivered is pretty sweet. I'll take a photo or two the next time I make a firewood run, within a week or two. It's only a 7 mile ride.
My back doesn’t think so. I also used to split it by hand, but I didn’t want to sound like the jp of woodcutting. :ROFLMAO:

There’s still a few 20” ers in there to wrassle around, and I still get to play with saw so plenty of ways to fowl up. I don’t have that many lives left so I’m glad to be out of the tree felling biz.
I am kidding...I use to enjoy cutting down the trees and making firewood and hauling it to Denver but now you can't burn wood due to to darn many of us living in a cramped space. Ah the good old days...were a lot more work but much more enjoyable. I really miss setting around a big camp fire. I wonder how long the Western Slope will be able to survive?
Is Pine or Fir popular for firewood where you guys live? We usually try to get Alligator or Utah Juniper where I live. Maybe it’s because we have plenty here. We burn Pine, but not too much. On my trips to the low Desert, I sometimes get Mesquite.
Is Pine or Fir popular for firewood where you guys live? We usually try to get Alligator or Utah Juniper where I live. Maybe it’s because we have plenty here. We burn Pine, but not too much. On my trips to the low Desert, I sometimes get Mesquite.
Lodgepole mostly, Fir is a little tougher to get.
I would love to have a pile of Alligator Juniper, that stuff burns great and smells good too.
I would have to travel a pretty fair distance to get any Juniper.
The wood broker sells pine ,fir, mesquite, apple, oak. I like the fir it puts out a lot of heat and I can afford it
Sometimes it’s not just about heating the house. I have friends that have an outdoor fire pit in their backyard and it’s fun to kick back, hang out and eat and drink outside in the fall and winter. I used to think a fire pit in the back yard was a Hillbilly thing to do, but I like the idea now. At least you can be outside and use your yard more often with it. A few have a BBQ custom made that can take wood and we like Mesquite for those.
If we were rich, my wife would still have a wood stove. You can't beat the nice dry heat especially on cold rainy days. And she likes to heat water on the stove. Free hot water, I guess.
It’s fun that you guys think about me so much. Kinda flattering.

I use to heat with wood. Then I got a real job and could afford central heating. Good luck in your double wide this winter
Not in a double wide bud. The blowhard comment made me laugh though. I have a wood stove and forced air. Weird you can have both isn't it? mtmuley
I burn about 1.5 cords of juniper a year. Propane is over $4 a gallon.

I also lived in a 5th wheel for 6 years. I swore when I got my house built I wasn't going to sleep in a cold house again.

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I hear ya, I used to live in a travel trailer when I was doing road construction here in Nevada. Never want to be cold again in my house. Pellet stove works great
What kind of wood is that?
Mostly Doug Fir,....or what I call it, Douglas Firbanks. :) Some White Fir and Hemlock.

The scalers would cull certain logs brought into the mill and set them aside for firewood. It got to where the guys in the log yard would hoard them for themselves, so at some point the mill owner said we could get trim ends off the planer which was pretty generous of him because it usually goes to chips for pulp. When I retired, I told the owner I sure would miss the firewood. He told me as long as he owned the mill, I was welcome to come and get firewood any time I wanted. That was 12 years ago and he probably didn't think I would live this long.:ROFLMAO: Next time I go, I'll take a couple photos.
Sometimes it’s not just about heating the house. I have friends that have an outdoor fire pit in their backyard and it’s fun to kick back, hang out and eat and drink outside in the fall and winter. I used to think a fire pit in the back yard was a Hillbilly thing to do, but I like the idea now. At least you can be outside and use your yard more often with it. A few have a BBQ custom made that can take wood and we like Mesquite for those.
We need some redneck fire pit pictures. :)
I went to the sawmill today during their lunch hour. It's like Christmas, you never know what you'll get. Today it was a full bin of 4X12 DF.

planer trim 005.JPG

Another guy showed up so we spit it up.

planer trim 007.JPG

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