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    A 1st for NM

    New Mexico finally scored a first place for something other than being first in the worst education system in the US. Sanctuary state, soft on crime, defund the police, felons out on bail and kill again, drugs everywhere. The Governor will tell you how good she is doing and how hard she is...
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    Trump 2020
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    Bulls & Cows...September

    Starting to see bulls show with cows. Almost September !!
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    Another one bites the dust

    This rattler was crawling around grandmas back porch today...she grabbed her .357 full of snake shot and let him have some of it. Not bad for an 83 year old cowgirl .
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    New American man

    The new American young man that the liberal dems just can’t do enough for. Biden man for sure !
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    I’m gonna miss her...

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    Fire in 36

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    How bout some rain...

    Hasn’t rained in south central NM all spring. Dirt tanks are drying up, grass is short and brown and the temp keeps going up. Sure could use some rain but none in sight, only more sunshine.
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