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  1. Flyjunky12

    NF and MF??

    I'm surprised this hasn't been brought up yet. How a company can partner with an idiot like muleyfreak is beyond me. I'm a huge NF supporter and as of right now will no longer be buying anymore of their products. I had planned on putting an NX8 on the rille I'm building for my daughter but it...
  2. Flyjunky12

    Did you know

    Biden was vice president during the pandemic and Obama told Biden to go to Detroit? Am I in some kind of strange universe? What the hell is this oatmeal brain saying?
  3. Flyjunky12

    Example #57

    All of these funded, and organized, college protests spewing racist hatred toward the Jewish community…. the left claiming the right is racist, yet they are the ones being racist. Example #57 of the left claiming the right is doing something, when in reality, they are the ones doing it...
  4. Flyjunky12


    What great timing for breaking news, fking hilarious. That’s Murphy’s law when you try to put sprinkles on a turd! 🤡
  5. Flyjunky12

    Colorado, Buck, WTF

    Alright, what the hell is going on with Ken Buck leaving next week? What the hell did he mean when he said, “I think it’s the next 3 people that leave they are going to be worried about”. Strange there are R’s leaving in an election year. Granted, Buck was as much of a republican as Schumer is...
  6. Flyjunky12

    Biden’s $7.5 trillion budget

    “It mentioned $11 billion that Biden wants for the Department of Interior to "preserve the stories of the cultures and history across America." I thought we wanted to tear down statues and erase the history of this country? The document pointed to $3 billion for the State Department to...
  7. Flyjunky12

    Your prediction…

    I was thinking of doing a poll with quite a few choices but thought it wouldn’t get the thoughts of people. I’ve been wondering what kind of chaos will be hitting us this coming summer into the fall? The George Floyd riots/summer of love and Covid was a great combination to get the D’s base...
  8. Flyjunky12

    Times a changin

    Today Clinton would be right wing. The response to Clinton saying “illegal immigration is a problem” is applause. Say that same thing today and it’s racist.
  9. Flyjunky12

    Biden Hillary Obama..oh my

    Anybody else been following all the new info coming out about the Russia collusion fiasco? Shellenberger and Taibbi are blowing this stuff up and it’s making so much sense. The second installment was released today. The Mar a lago raid makes way more sense….looking for that binder. What a...
  10. Flyjunky12

    Translation please

    Dafuq did he say? I don’t have access to a dumbass translator
  11. Flyjunky12

    Honest Question…Dems

    This is a serious question for the democrats. I keep on hearing the talking point by your side that says you’re trying to preserve democracy. Could someone explain this to me? It might just be me but from my perspective the democrats are the ones who have done/are doing everything antithetical...
  12. Flyjunky12

    Tucker says it..

    Tucker, whether you him or not, is a great listen. I really like this speech, and unlike our current leader, you can actually understand what he says and it’s coherent.
  13. Flyjunky12

    Lookout Mountain Elk?

    If anyone has spent anytime in Lookout I'd like to pick your brain about what I'm planning for next year. I'd prefer pm's as I have some areas picked out that I need to run by those who have been there. Btw, this is for rifle season.
  14. Flyjunky12

  15. Flyjunky12

    Ballot stuffing, can’t believe it

    Just shocking I tell ya. Haven’t we seen videos like this before on a much larger scale? Nothing to see here. BREAKING: A Democrat Judge in Connecticut has OVERTURNED the results of the Mayoral Primary Election in Bridgeport and ordered a new election be held after bombshell video evidence of...
  16. Flyjunky12

    Hillary…just go away

    I see Hillary is pushing the Russian hoax again. I wonder why that is ?. How come it’s ok for her to say there was election interference? Oh, by the way, be on the lookout for some big news to hit that will distract us from the real stuff going on.
  17. Flyjunky12

    J6 farce

    How do you say J6 was a farce without actually saying it was a farce? Ray Epps getting a misdemeanor slap on the wrist. How can he get that charge when grandmas are getting felony charges? Epps was actually on VIDEO, helping instigate! Many people got sentenced to years in prison for doing...
  18. Flyjunky12


    The coroner came out and said the Obama’s personal chef’s drowning was an accident. Wow, I’m shocked! How does a proficient swimmer fall off a paddle board, struggle briefly, and then just go under in 8’ of water? There was no head injury and no mention of drugs/alcohol. He had no life jacket...
  19. Flyjunky12

    Breaking the internet...

    #1 on Itunes....listen to the lyrics. Unbelievable voice
  20. Flyjunky12

    Ivermectin now ok

    Are you kidding me? What a fu**ing joke the whole plandemic was. I guess we need to start getting ready for the next one virus X.
  21. Flyjunky12

    $6.2 Billion coup

    It ain’t no coincidence that 2 days after the pentagon announces a $6.2 billion dollar error a “coup” attempt happens. How do you think our govt feels being played for that much money? Putin $6.2 richer while dumbass in chief continues to screw up. Once again, looking like a fool in the eyes of...
  22. Flyjunky12

    Fair elections, sure

    Why keep this sealed for 2 years? Why only publish a redacted version? Why not install the software patch?
  23. Flyjunky12

    This is why

    This is why half the country has no clue of what’s really going on. George is really refuting that Biden didn’t have classified docs?? Are people really that brainwashed and ignorant? Our media is such a ******* joke.
  24. Flyjunky12

    This is why

    This is why half the country has no clue of what’s really going on. George is really refuting that Biden didn’t have classified docs?? Are people really that brainwashed and ignorant? Our media is such a ******* joke.
  25. Flyjunky12

    Yet again…

    Symbolism of our country
  26. Flyjunky12

    Biden/Harris talking AI

    Biden and Harris met with top AI leaders. Sorry, I just laughed when I read that headline. Can you imagine the questions Joe and Kamala asked during that conversation? Or the look in their faces when these top tech guys were explaining things…hilarious. I wonder if they prepared a coloring...
  27. Flyjunky12

    Editing posts??

    For some reason I can’t find a way to edit my posts anymore. Usually at the bottom there are the 3 dots with a drop-down menu. What am I missing? - edit, I logged in and out and it’s back
  28. Flyjunky12

    Tennis anyone?

    After all we know about the virus we still won't let the #1 player in the world come here to play tennis because he isn't vaccinated. Yet we allow 4 million illegals, that we now of, to cross our borders and bring enough drugs to kill everyone? Just another example of the idiocy of this...
  29. Flyjunky12

    Jan. 6th

    Whether you like or dislike Tucker Carlson, he had a great show on the Jan. 6th video tapes. He and his producers were given access to all the Jan. 6th video. Amazing what we were told/shown versus what really happened. It's very easy to see how this was a setup. The part about Brian Sicknick...
  30. Flyjunky12

    So, what happened?

    To the Biden top secret documents scandal? Seems we all of the sudden forgot about that.
  31. Flyjunky12

    Wait, what?

    So Biden really did blowup the Nordstream pipeline? When it happened months ago I was joking that it was probably us that did it. Not really surprised it hasn’t been covering this.
  32. Flyjunky12

    Border…not secure?

    After 2 years of hearing how our border is secure ol’ Joey is now concerned about it? What changed? Also, I loved how he said 20,000lbs of fentanyl has come across the border which is enough to kill 1000 people. Good gawd, that’s enough to kill 3/4 of the people on this planet. It was funny to...
  33. Flyjunky12

    WTB....Berger 215's

    Anyone have any Berger 215's they'd like to get rid of? I'm looking for at least 250. I might have powder or primers to trade.
  34. Flyjunky12

    Sled Springs Elk

    Hey guys/gals, Instead of waiting for a "top 3" elk unit we will be burning our points this year and taking a first time hunter with us. My dad doesn't have a whole lot of years left for this type of country so I'll be "training" my future hunting partner during this trip and I'd like to put my...
  35. Flyjunky12

    FNG introduction

    Hey everyone, I didn't see a forum for new guys so I thought I would post a quick introduction here. I live on the east side of the cascades in Oregon, absolutely love it here. Like most here I've been hunting and fishing since I was a young kid. I'm all over the pacific states and BC chasing...
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