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  1. D

    Looks like might have a heckofa pinion nut harvest fall of 2025.

    We had heavy wet winter snows this year and now the pinion trees are bursting with male/female buds and we get covered in yellow pollen when disturbing branches. My past experience has led me to expect a good pinion nut harvest in fall of 2025 (not 2024). The last time we got a big harvest was...
  2. D

    Articles of impeachment against NM governor

    Articles of impeachment against NM governor
  3. D

    What do 6 month old elk look like?

    I’m gonna live up to my dum dum name and ask a dumb question: What do 6 month old elk look like? I took my dog on normal morning walk on the driveway. On the way back looked back and saw three “Cervidae” crossing the driveway about 300 feet behind us. All three were sleek light golden...
  4. D

    NMGF has opened elk rule for proposed changes, here is their real nice April 11, 2022 overview presentation:
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