Search results

  1. Justhunt14

    62 3rd season for deer

    My brother and I drew deer 62 rifle 3rd season, we have spent some time on the unit getting familiar with areas, we understand that depending on the weather the deer can be strung from the divide road down to the river. I'm starting to get an idea of what to expect on the hunt searching other...
  2. Justhunt14

    Successful South Africa Hunting Trip

    I just returned from SA with a couple of friends, after 10 days of hunting with Ab Steyn Safari's, I will leave their stories out of this one as they can share them as they please, but all in all we claimed 27 trophy's taken with archery and some with rifles, we took 3 Kudu all over 50 inches, 3...
  3. Justhunt14

    Wanna go to Africa?

    If your looking for an African safari, I just posted one for sale in the Hunt & Tags forum, I'm not an outfitter, just a guy that can't make the trip this year.
  4. Justhunt14

    LE southwest desert muzzy bull

    I guess you could say this hunt started when I was 14, thankfully my dad started putting me in for LE elk as soon as I was eligible, he starting applying me for the Paunsagaunt elk, which at the time was the best chance to draw a tag with little to no points, after my points started building I...
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