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  1. GrampPa_Co

    Post One Photo Per Day

  2. GrampPa_Co

    2021 Muley Scouting Photo Contest - Daypack for Winner!

    Guess I should've read the rules!
  3. Sp2.jpg


  4. GrampPa_Co

    2021 Muley Scouting Photo Contest - Daypack for Winner!

    Here's a few, the picture quality isn't the best though :confused:
  5. Sp4.jpg


  6. Sp3.jpg


  7. Sp2.jpg


  8. Sp1.jpg


  9. GrampPa_Co

    Have you ever...

    Never! There's always that odd piece in the package that must be sampled before sharing with the family.
  10. GrampPa_Co

    Raise them outdoors

    This is one of my favorite's. Letting them lead the way during archery season.
  11. AH2020.jpg


  12. GrampPa_Co

    Poll: should drones be legal for shed hunting?

    Using a drone to shed hunt is pure laziness and takes away from experiencing the outdoors for what they are. I remember hiking with my Dad when I was in middle school and finding more sheds then we could carry! The best part was that we weren't even looking for them, we just happened upon that...
  13. GrampPa_Co

    John Kerry

    I've always thought he looked similar to Jackson!
  14. GrampPa_Co

    High Lonesome Lost... Public hunters Won

    That's what they tried to do to me a few years ago, I just smiled and waved as he approached me to ask questions. I offered him no information accept for my license plate number that he already had! I could hear his truck running for miles up the canyon we were hunting in. I even think he tried...
  15. GrampPa_Co

    What did you all expect?

    This is a horrible thing happening for everyone. Trying to explain this to my kids is always a challenge. Thankfully, now that they are older, they are smart enough to realize and see it through their own eye's.
  16. GrampPa_Co

    Unit 62 Recap

    I was in 62 for archery elk this year. I was able to see 4 mature bucks all together, one was a 5 point but they were headed west towards 61! No luck seeing anything in third season though, it seems they all were down in Unaweep canyon already.
  17. GrampPa_Co

    2020 Mule Deer Video

    Great video!
  18. GrampPa_Co

    Tough but fun

    Good job, nice buck!
  19. GrampPa_Co

    2020 Colorado Muzzy Bull

    Congrats on a great bull!
  20. GrampPa_Co

    2nd Season Not Looking Good for Snow and Cold

    Sure thing, hopefully it will be positive! We've seen more elk up there than deer so far. Thinking about adding an OTC bull tag as well.
  21. GrampPa_Co

    2nd Season Not Looking Good for Snow and Cold

    Headed up to 33 for 2nd season for the first time this year with my boy's. My oldest son went and helped a buddy pack out last year and loved the area. We've been scouting a few times already and are excited for our hunt. The weather forecast doesn't look promising for any snow or rain but...
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