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  1. D

    Looks like might have a heckofa pinion nut harvest fall of 2025.

    Yikes! (Robot voice): You have exposed my ruse. I am an AI bot purposed to entertain hunters to distract them from the fact globalists are taking over the world. Do not adjust your horizontal. Do not adjust your vertical. Look into my pen while I flash a light to wipe your memory.
  2. D

    Looks like might have a heckofa pinion nut harvest fall of 2025.

    People shouldn’t trespass if signs are posted. A number of them do anyway. Pretty sure piñóns are in Utah, dunno about Idaho. They’re definitely in Colorado. They don’t seem to grow above 7200 ft altitude.
  3. D

    Looks like might have a heckofa pinion nut harvest fall of 2025.

    Yeah the pinion tree sap makes a mess. I don’t wear long sleeve shirts or good hats when working with piñon firewood or collecting nuts. I’d rather scrub my arms and hands (and scalp) raw then ruin even my work shirts. I will wear an old ratty work coat if cold, it’s already messed up.
  4. D

    Looks like might have a heckofa pinion nut harvest fall of 2025.

    Oh! I’ve never considered the bears! We’ve got bears here and now that I think about it the sight of me crawling around on all fours pawing the ground for nuts might appear pretty appetizing to a bear … kinda like a feral pig but with more fat.
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    Looks like might have a heckofa pinion nut harvest fall of 2025.

    The piñon trees form green “pine cones” the first year, which then mature and dry out opening the cone's petals gradually to drop the nuts in the second year. Yeah people go crazy when the nuts are dropping. No Trespassing signs are ignored and in our neighborhood we’ve had multiple...
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    Looks like might have a heckofa pinion nut harvest fall of 2025.

    We had heavy wet winter snows this year and now the pinion trees are bursting with male/female buds and we get covered in yellow pollen when disturbing branches. My past experience has led me to expect a good pinion nut harvest in fall of 2025 (not 2024). The last time we got a big harvest was...
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    Articles of impeachment against NM governor

    Articles of impeachment against NM governor
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    Best mountain man/Wild West books

    As a boy I liked "With The Indians In The Rockies" by James Willard Schultz (published 1912). He wrote a number of other books like this. From Amazon: "Thomas and his friend Pitamakan, a Blackfoot boy, live at Fort Benton on the western frontier One day, having ventured into the mountains...
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    What do 6 month old elk look like?

    Blue hair, thank you for the photo! That elk calf does look like what I saw! They were somewhat larger, but didn’t have that darker neck fur, or the white fur on the butt and belly, which is what has confused me. Hopefully I’ll get some pics on the game cam. We’re starting to hear elk...
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    What do 6 month old elk look like?

    Northern New Mexico
  11. D

    What do 6 month old elk look like?

    Thanks! Now I really don’t know what I think I saw. I’ve set up a game cam.
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    What do 6 month old elk look like?

    I’m gonna live up to my dum dum name and ask a dumb question: What do 6 month old elk look like? I took my dog on normal morning walk on the driveway. On the way back looked back and saw three “Cervidae” crossing the driveway about 300 feet behind us. All three were sleek light golden...
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    A silly Wife dispute

    During summer at evening we turn on 3 box fans at open windows to cool the house, then shut the windows in the morning. To this day my wife wants to keep one fan going during the day to keep cooling the house. Tried many times to explain that the air from that fan only feels cooler because of...
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    Fires in New Mexico

    I’m sorry for your losses and those suffered by others. Looking at the current calf canyon fire activity at:,-98.08593750000001&z=4 I think they are making really great progress at containment!
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    " YA EVER WONDER WHAT LIES A BOTTOM OF A LAKE/RESERVOIR??? " When I was a kid growing up in Colorado, one of my uncles owned an ice cream parlor on the main street of the town Dillion up in the mountains (Summit County I think). When we visited he let us go behind the counter and make our...
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    NMGF has opened elk rule for proposed changes, here is their real nice April 11, 2022 overview presentation:

    I agree. I do like their graphical depiction of elk distribution in the various game units etc.
  17. D

    NMGF has opened elk rule for proposed changes, here is their real nice April 11, 2022 overview presentation:

    I tried it a few seconds ago ... it seems to be working.
  18. D

    NMGF has opened elk rule for proposed changes, here is their real nice April 11, 2022 overview presentation:
  19. D

    BHA on EPLUS

    My neighbors say the elk eat about 40% of the alfalfa growing in their fields. They all get EPlus RO elk authorizations, in this Gmu, by negotiation with NMGF. If NM does away with EPlus, I can’t imagine, with all the variables involved with weather, irrigation flow, alfalfa market value...
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    Colorado Outdoors Pref Point Issue Came Yesterday

    I didn’t see this listed, so here is the Colorado Preference Points guide. I’m in NM, but from Colorado:
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    Ranchers Suing NMDGF

    Hasn’t been much of a problem so far. And not to worry, the problem is ONLY with the assessors graphical plat/plot ... the actual annual tax assessment and billing is 100% correct. They don’t miss a thing.
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    Ranchers Suing NMDGF

    Pretty far off. The overall shape doesn’t come close, every single building we have is shown belonging to our neighbors, our Highway frontage doesn’t exist according to The plat/plot used by OnX. Other then that pretty accurate (sarc).
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    Ranchers Suing NMDGF

    I agree. Our deed's metes and bounds description recorded at the county clerk and recorder office is accurate and correct, but the county assessor plat/plot map of my property is way way messed up. And it is our messed up assessor plat/plot map that shows up on OnX. I make sure to warn...
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    Ranchers Suing NMDGF

    To answer your questions, go to:
  25. D

    Ranchers Suing NMDGF

    This new season seems worse than usual, twice in the last week I’ve seen signs of vehicles trespassing and driving off our road towards tree line. Maybe scouting and/or would be poaching??? We are posted no trespassing.
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    Ranchers Suing NMDGF

    Years ago, before I posted my property “no trespassing “, I happened to be out in front of my house early morning and a truck with four excited hunters came roaring up to me. The driver breathlessly told me they were chasing an elk they had wounded and it had come on our place and by law he...
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    Ranchers Suing NMDGF

    Exactly! The elk and deer are damn smart. I’m in unit 46 (100% private land) and adjacent to two big ranches that cater to upscale hunters. As soon as hunt season starts we see lots of elk and deer on the property. And “hunters “ trespassing even though our place is posted.
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    Elkocd: “ I have a feeling if things don't change drastically in the next month it is going to be a lights out fall in the NM elk woods.” Forgive me, please. What is a “lights out fall”?
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    Using a Atv to access hunting area

    This is available on the New Mexico Game and Fish website: Respecting the Land – responsible use of off-highway vehicles on our public lands, including a list of BLM OHV Permitted Areas
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    Landowner Drawing

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