Search results

  1. BuzzH

    $150 NR tickets for violating Wyoming Wilderness rule (12 tickets in 10 years)

    Wyoming Residents get to decide wildlife issues, that simple. I couldn't care less what a NR thinks about how we choose to manage OUR wildlife. Wilderness Guide Law, early start for Residents antler hunting, 90-10, etc. etc. Utah, Montana, Idaho, etc. Residents get the same right in their...
  2. BuzzH

    Post them up

    Thanks for your service.
  3. BuzzH

    $150 NR tickets for violating Wyoming Wilderness rule (12 tickets in 10 years)

    A few? That's the understatement of the decade.
  4. BuzzH

    Post them up

    Thanks for your contribution to the thread about the Wyoming big 5. The Utah threads are in the Utah section. Hope more Wyoming hunters share pictures, some good ones so far.
  5. BuzzH

    $150 NR tickets for violating Wyoming Wilderness rule (12 tickets in 10 years)

    That's our business, not yours. Why don't you solve all the jacked up issues in Utah?
  6. BuzzH

    Post them up

    Got any photos of your Wyoming moose?
  7. BuzzH

    Wyoming shed opener ๐Ÿ˜

    You beg real purty...
  8. BuzzH

    Wyoming shed opener ๐Ÿ˜

    What I figured, one management elk, and that's all you got. Laffin'...
  9. BuzzH

    Wyoming shed opener ๐Ÿ˜

    Hang some pics of your other elk, even a cow.
  10. BuzzH

    Wyoming shed opener ๐Ÿ˜

    No fewer than 200 pics of that bull, I'm just glad it wasn't before digital pictures....would have cost a fortune in film.
  11. BuzzH

    Wyoming shed opener ๐Ÿ˜

    I bet you haven't shot more than one elk.
  12. BuzzH

    Wyoming shed opener ๐Ÿ˜

    Calm down little man, I still have 85 more elk pics.
  13. BuzzH

    Wyoming shed opener ๐Ÿ˜

    Ok, here you go:
  14. BuzzH

    Wyoming G and H non resident tags cut again

    How many of those did you shoot? None. WAFJ
  15. BuzzH

    Wyoming shed opener ๐Ÿ˜

    So you could load some pictures of the other elk you've shot, just don't have any. That's funny. Even more funny, all this talk about "researching" elk hunting in other states. When do the actual hunts start happening?
  16. BuzzH

    Wyoming shed opener ๐Ÿ˜

    In particular, it's really easy to not hang some pics, when the flatbill bro hunters don't shoot anything but their mouths.
  17. BuzzH

    Wyoming G and H non resident tags cut again

    Oh wait, I found the other bulls that wsterntines shot in Utah: Right next to his Arizona bulls: . And the monsters from Idaho and Montana: .
  18. BuzzH

    Wyoming shed opener ๐Ÿ˜

    Got those photos of your other Utah bulls loaded yet? Arizona? Idaho?
  19. BuzzH

    Wyoming shed opener ๐Ÿ˜

    Can we get a translator that speaks ๐Ÿคก? Anyone?
  20. BuzzH

    Wyoming G and H non resident tags cut again

    Hang some pictures of the other bulls you've shot in Utah. How about those Arizona bulls?
  21. BuzzH

    Wyoming G and H non resident tags cut again

    You know what's awesome about Wyoming? We don't have to wait 35 years between elk tags. In particular to shoot a management elk.
  22. BuzzH

    Wyoming G and H non resident tags cut again

    Why am I getting the feeling wstrntines has only shot one elk?
  23. BuzzH

    Wyoming G and H non resident tags cut again

    Ok, how about your Arizona bulls?
  24. BuzzH

    Wyoming G and H non resident tags cut again

    Hey esrtntimes, Tell us about the bulls you've killed in Montana.
  25. BuzzH

    Wyoming G and H non resident tags cut again

    Right, and you'd pass a 380 bull to do it. You live in ๐Ÿคก world. What's a "Miley"? For the second time, quit begging for Wyoming elk hunting units. Cheer up you'll get to hunt elk in Utah one more time before you're 80...maybe.
  26. BuzzH

    Wyoming shed opener ๐Ÿ˜

    All topped off with a flat brim.
  27. BuzzH

    Wyoming G and H non resident tags cut again

    Did you hear that when the voices in your head were talking to you?
  28. BuzzH

    Wyoming G and H non resident tags cut again

    Why did you shoot a management bull in Utah with all those 380 bulls around? All those points you burned, waiting period, for a management brutal. The serious elk hunters in Utah thank you for your service. Also, quit begging for the best units in Wyoming, do your own research.
  29. BuzzH

    Wyoming G and H non resident tags cut again

    Don't like the prices Wyoming charges, take your money elsewhere, nobody cares. Quality anything demands a higher price. Lots of states to choose from that will match your price point.
  30. BuzzH

    Wyoming G and H non resident tags cut again

    I think someone had too much sugar cereal this morning.
  31. BuzzH

    Im feeling lucky!

    Mega Ditto's.
  32. BuzzH

    Wyoming shed opener ๐Ÿ˜

    Well, you just blew up epic for me. I'll have to settle for "fair to middlin'"
  33. BuzzH

    Wyoming shed opener ๐Ÿ˜

    I wouldn't define picking up a dozen deer antlers by 2 guys as anything close to "epic". Congrats on your epic day of shed hunting.
  34. BuzzH

    Wyoming shed opener ๐Ÿ˜

    This "epic" shed hunt is akin to your "epic" pronghorn.
  35. BuzzH

    Wyoming shed opener ๐Ÿ˜

    I won't steal your "thunder". Laffin', even more.
  36. BuzzH

    Wyoming shed opener ๐Ÿ˜

    Maybe I should share some epic days of shed hunting to horn you up...
  37. BuzzH

    Wyoming shed opener ๐Ÿ˜

    That's epic? Laffin'
  38. BuzzH

    Resident helping NR hunt wilderness

    Heck yes, I did 2 solo trips and could have killed rams both times. But, the only reason I was able to find those rams is because a friend, that posts on this board, who knows as much about those units as anyone alive, helped me out. Further, he was good enough to haul me around for many days...
  39. BuzzH

    Resident helping NR hunt wilderness

    Totally agree, it does make it hard for DIY NR sheep hunters, but like you also said, I bet 95% of the NR sheep hunters would use a guide even if the Guide Law disappeared.
  40. BuzzH

    High fence crowd at its finest

    Yes Rex Rammels place near Driggs.
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