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  1. mozey

    Pacific Crest Trail

    Yes, but only if I complete this one. If I do, I'll be starting the AT next year.
  2. mozey

    Pacific Crest Trail

    My view forward:
  3. mozey

    Pacific Crest Trail

    Yup. I'll have to look at it when I get to it, but odds are I'll take the easiest/shortest route... :-)
  4. mozey

    Pacific Crest Trail

    Had to do a 20-mile water carry today. This my view looking back:
  5. mozey

    Pacific Crest Trail

    There are still a few behind me and to the east. I'm about six miles from Jawbone Canyon road. First time I've had cell service all day.
  6. mozey

    Pacific Crest Trail

    I'm currently researching if there are any snowless sections of trail north of the Sierras to see if I can do exactly that. I might ruin it for some purists, but all I really care about is a continuous footpath from Mexico to Canada. If I have to leapfrog and then come back to a section, then...
  7. mozey

    Pacific Crest Trail

    I carry a ResMed Air Mini, and I drive it with an Easy Longer 40,000 mA 24 amp charger. A full charge will give me two nights plus recharge my phone, InReach, head lamp, and Skulz. I also carry an ozonic cleaner and clean it at least twice a week.
  8. mozey

    Pacific Crest Trail

    This is a tough question, and I can only answer it from my own experience. I too am afraid of heights when it comes to things like sky diving, cliff diving, bungy jumping, or walking out over the Grand Canyon on a glass floor. I avoid those types activities. On the other hand, I personally...
  9. mozey

    Pacific Crest Trail

    I did that twice in the early 90s, so at the moment I don't plan to. But, I could change my mind once I get there.
  10. mozey

    Pacific Crest Trail

    It did not, but it might now.
  11. mozey

    Pacific Crest Trail

    Surprisingly, this one looks vacant.
  12. mozey

    Pacific Crest Trail

    The trail parallels Highway 58 for a couple miles, which is fine, but there is hardly any shade, and more critical, a private place to pee. But just as things were reaching critical, the trail provides this nice underpass...
  13. mozey

    Pacific Crest Trail

    This was a pretty big bird. Not a lot in the pic to give it some scale, but the trail is probably at least two feet wide there. I was thinking it was probably 2.5' from head to tail.
  14. mozey

    Pacific Crest Trail

    The pic doesn't show it very well, but its head was bald like a buzzard's so I assumed it was a buzzard. Maybe the windmill blade gave it a shave?
  15. mozey

    Pacific Crest Trail

    More photos
  16. mozey

    Pacific Crest Trail

    Acton to Tehachapi. After picking up my new shoes in Acton, I hiked 110 miles to Tehachapi in four days. My feet are not happy about it, but I'm glad to be off the mountain and in a hotel while this cold storm passes through. First night I camped right above the Antelope Valley Freeway. My...
  17. mozey

    Pacific Crest Trail

    I think this buzzard was whacked by a windmill. It was directly below one.
  18. mozey

    Pacific Crest Trail

    LOL--I resemble two of those four things, but I doubt you would offer me a ride...
  19. mozey

    Pacific Crest Trail

    I use MSR Ground Hogs. I had one bend on me when I tried to pound it through a rock, but even then it was still usable. Otherwise no issues.
  20. mozey

    Pacific Crest Trail

  21. mozey

    Pacific Crest Trail

    If you check out my Continental Divide hike in the New Mexico forum, I have a post in there where I list all of my gear. It's still mostly the same except my tent, sleeping pad, and charger. I'm actually carrying a CPAP machine this time so I had to step way up for a charger to drive that, but...
  22. mozey

    Pacific Crest Trail

    Even though this trail is supposedly easier, the first 500 are feeling me. Maybe because I'm two years older. Or, maybe because NM is my home state and I was just more familiar/comfortable with the territory. Don't know.
  23. mozey

    Pacific Crest Trail

    Bagged this as the sun was setting last night.
  24. mozey

    Pacific Crest Trail

    Just changed them out yesterday, but sticking with Altra Lone Peaks:
  25. mozey

    Pacific Crest Trail

    Going to bed tonight looking at and listening to the Antelope Valley Freeway.. My first year out of college, I drove that thing almost every day. Wow that was a long time ago.
  26. mozey

    Pacific Crest Trail

    No, he let me pass. I don't have to work that hard at it--seems to come easy for me... :-)
  27. mozey

    Pacific Crest Trail

    No, he let me pass.
  28. mozey

    Pacific Crest Trail

    My first.Mojave Green:
  29. mozey

    Pacific Crest Trail

    Cell service with T-MOBILE has been sparse. I would get on here and give more frequent reports, but when I set up my tent at night I always seem to do it in a spot with no service.
  30. mozey

    Pacific Crest Trail

    Baby Gila monsters? No, but they were more worried about bobbing their heads at each other than me standing over them with my phone...
  31. mozey

    Pacific Crest Trail

    I think this was big bull snake that did not want to give up his piece of the trail. Had to nudge him with my trekking pole to get him to move out of the way.
  32. mozey

    Pacific Crest Trail

    Big Bear Lake to Acton. Starting to find my stride a little bit and knocked out 180 trail miles over the last eight days. Some of those miles were on account of a detour around Baden-Powell because the snow is still too deep, so my estimate of actual miles hiked is about 165 - 170. I did my...
  33. mozey

    Caliber Thoughts

    I've actually been pondering this very thing and have read all the info and watched all of the YouTubers on the 7 PRC, and have come really close to getting one for myself. But now I'm also hearing that reported velocities may be a little exaggerated, so before I spend the cash I want to shoot...
  34. mozey

    Pacific Crest Trail

    I don't believe this should be true for everyone, but for me personally, I learned during the COVID lockdown that I'd rather die while living than live while dying...
  35. mozey

    Pacific Crest Trail

    Lots of quail, squirrels, lizard Armageddon, and one very friendly fox.
  36. mozey

    Pacific Crest Trail

    Duck Soup is a really good guy but he is only about as tall as a rabbit...
  37. mozey

    Pacific Crest Trail

    Idyllwild to Big Bear Lake turned into an unexpected slog, plus I had a little bit of a freakish incident that made me think I should hole up for a couple days in Big Bear Lake. I've been hiking with another 60-ish year old hiker from Fairbanks, AK, that goes by the trail name Duck Soup. A lot...
  38. mozey

    Pacific Crest Trail

    My Zpack's Duplex was an awesome tent--lasted me thru the entire CDT, stone and dall hunts, plus a number of other excursions. It was just starting to show it's age. For what it is, it also has generous horizontal space so that I could keep all my gear inside the tent with me. My one complaint...
  39. mozey

    Pacific Crest Trail

    Flew to San Diego on Wednesday, caught an Uber to Warner Springs, made it to Idyllwild today. Right now it's raining, so my new tent is being put to the test immediately. So far so good. I don't know if it's because of the intense sun and relatively few water sources, but the miles have been...
  40. mozey

    Pacific Crest Trail

    Will start back on the trail tomorrow, but I got off for a few days because I needed a new non-leaky tent, and also so could go see this: Was dark and noticably colder for about five minutes. Very cool.
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