Anti hunting postal workers?


robbed (Guest)

My colorado deer tag and my Eastman's Journal were lost in the mail. Coincidence? (The folks at Eastman's sent me another copy, But the deer tag is going to be a little more difficult. I talked to cdow and they said first they need to track it down before issueing a new one or a refund.)
I use to have a 3 yr subscription to (Varmint Masters now Predator xtream) I only receved maybe half of them and almost every time the ones I did receive were in an abused condition (covers shredded missing pieces & parts of the pages ripped out ect.).
Please do not blame the Postal Employees. It's the new automated sorting machines that the Postal Service now uses in their Processing Centers.
One heck of alot of Postal Service Employees are dedicated sportsman. We work hard and live most of the year talking and dreaming of Elk & Deer hunting vacation time.
The majority of the billions of pieces of mail processed everyday don't even touch an employees hands until the Carrier actually delivers it to your door step.
Are we all Anti-Hunters? NO! We pay our dues just like everyone else. We send our applications and wait for them to be delivered just like you do.
Thank god i hunt with my mail man! Or else i would be screwed. I get all my hunting magizines. Sorry to hear about your tag. Hopefully something will be worked out in your favor.

later, MM
Sorry about the lost of your tags and other thing sent through the mail. All of the Friends I hunt with are Postal Employees. There are a lot sportsmen that work for the Postal Service that fish, hunt we all take care to process and deliver every piece every day. The Anti-Hunters loose on this attack again.

Ron B.
I have carried the mail for over 20 years and seen it all!
Some customers never remember the hundreds of pieces of mail that arrive in good condition..... only the bad ones. I walk my route everyday rain or shine and I'm mostly thinking about hunting or fishing. I stay in good shape and can keep up with the young hunters, no road hunting for me! When I go to a new area or State guess who I talk to first??? the Postmasters and Rural Route carriers know where to hunt and fish. With over 800,000 empolyees we may have some antis but most of us love the outdoors. Sorry for your problems and I'm sure you'll get your tag in time. At least you got one all I got was "Dear John Letters".
Good Luck on your hunt!

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