good job ksl


Very Active Member
The local AM news station in salt lake (ksl 1160) has a spot by local businessman Fred Lamtropolis (sp?) called "thought you might like to know". In it he brings up interesting points on political issues and is very eloquent in his discussions. The bit they are running now is "does public land really belong to the public?". In his 2 minutes he defends hunting and hunters as playing a vital role in the ecosystem and paying the wildlife bills that nobody else will. He defiantly accuses the national forests service of being biased against hunters and not admitting how importat we are to the wildlife. He finishes by pointing out that the national forest service has three pamphlets on activities to enjoy on public land and the word hunting does not appear anywhere. They do mention two exciting new activities growing in popularity, stargazing and meditation.

I just thought it was nice to hear somone in politics to say what we all know.

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