Got Turkey?????



Draw results for the Utah Turkey draw are out in the mail today, however no luck here.:-(

Hopefully the rest of you inbred Utah Hound guys that put in drew a tag. Good luck!!!
My daughter and I pulled a couple tags. This draw crap is gettin way to easy. I think from now on they should just draw after they give me my tag.
Turkey tags? Draw? Huh? Surely you jest.

Dude, you don't need to draw a turkey tag. Those suckers are all over like magpies. Come up to our private property and you can shoot all the ugly suckers you want. Forget paying money for them smelly birds. You can come blaze away up at my buddies place. The last couple of years, the suckers have come out of the woodwork. Pretty good for sighting in our .22's though I have to admit.

My two favorite turkey stories... I know a guy that went to New York last year turkey hunting. No kidding. Flew clear to New York turkey hunting and never got a shot. I think we smoked 4 of the suckers while we were up bear hunting. I told him next time just pay me the money that the trip cost him and I'd let him shoot 4 turkeys.

Second story, and my favorite. This kid I know goes to some scouting "turkey shoot"... a big deal they have for scouts and they all have a big skeet shoot and give out prizes. Well their scout leader gets confused on the time and when their troop shows up it's already over and winding down. They are all disappointed and head home. On the way down the canyon they spy a big group of bigass birds off the side of the road. Turkeys.
The leader pulls off and says, "Well boys, I promised you a turkey shoot and that's what we're gonna have. Go get 'em."

So these kids all bail out with their shotguns and have a little mini scout firing squad on these turkeys. When the smoke clears, they gather up their spoils and head for home. Right along side the highway, a group of scouts drop the hammer on a flock of unsuspecting turkeys, 6 months removed from turkey season. I about peed my pants laughing when he related that one to me.

Forget the tag Catmando. Come sight in your .22 with us anytime on those overgrown, feathered potguts!! ;-)

Or become a scout leader... license to kill. :) -Dawg

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