Has anyone done this?


Long Time Member
Has anyone been told to soak wild game in salt water to get rid of the gamey taste? I used to do it but quit along time ago.I think it takes the favor out of the meat,I know I would never soak a beef steak in salt water.

What do you guys think?

"Sometimes you do things wrong for so long you think their right"

-Joe E Sikora
I've only done it with heart and liver and also duck breasts. I only use it to leach out the gamier flavors and blood, so I would'nt do it on regular cuts of meat.
Hi blue-duck,do you have any good receipes for duck?

Here's one I like. Take the breast flatten it out,season with salt & pepper,add finely chopped jalapeno pepper(no seeds), some pepper jack cheese(or other favorite you have),and a little tabasco sauce.

Roll up tight with strips of bacon using tooth picks. Then you can cook in a skillet or oven until bacon is nice and crisp.I prefer skillet on high heat to brown bacon then turn down heat and cover to finish cooking.

You might think it would be too spicy,but actually you get all the great flavors without the heat.As I'm sure you already know take a little of all in each bite to get all the full flavors.

Let me know what you think,if you try it.

"Sometimes you do things wrong for so long you think their right"

-Joe E Sikora
blue_duck is absolutely correct about the salt water soaking. Only use that technique for organs that you plan on eating, like blue said, heart & liver because the salt does pull out the blood. Hence the reason that you lose flavor when you soak muscle tissue in salt water prior to cooking it. Soaking fowl in buttermilk or whole milk overnight will pull most the gaminess out of it.

If you think about the diets and the physical requirements of wild fowl and domestic fowl it will make more sense. Wild fowl fly and run most of their lives trying to survive therefore they are extremely lean muscled. Wild fowl eat primarily bugs and vegetation and Lord only knows what else.
Domestic fowl don't fly or run much if at all. They are fed corn, milo, flax seed and various other grains rich in fat. They are also fed and medicated with various growth hormones and antibiotics. These are the things that make them taste so good to the civilized world.
My theory is that the chemical make-up of butter-milk such as calcium and the various fats work much better for wild fowl preparation.
Try it and let me know what you think.

By the way it's an ancient Chinese secret and that's no joke.

My wife soaks the meat in powder milk for 4 or 5 hours. Takes the game taste out and tenderizes the meat. Also cheaper then using whole milk.

"Let's keep things in perspective.I mean for Peet's sake there are kids in Africa that don't even hunt....hello" Jimmy Big Time
Squirrel shot with my trusty 22 cal. ended up in a pot full of salted water. I think I remember doing this to grouse and pheasants as well. Just did what I was told. Not sure if it helped or not.


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