Humbled by a Deer........


Bura Nut

This has been the most humbling/frustrating/fun hunt I have been on. I flat out missed and can only blame myself for not practicing even more at long, long ranges. In addition to this, the way to hunt these little ghosts is a bit different than the other B&C deer. I have learned tons of tricks etc. That would normally have taken years of trial and error, but I am still buckless. I will be back after them maybe friday afternoon, but for sure saturday morning and am determined to post a picture of a +85 buck......... Allen......
glad to hear you have a positive attitude....great sportmanship....sometime hunting is very tough to chase grayghost....i didnt get my till 3years of trying..finally got one....

good luck and hopefully u get one soon...good luck

I hope you are successfull! Keep at it. I heat those coues will give you a run for your money.

I'm sure you will connect before it is over. Good luck!

I am here in Tucson if you need to stop by for anything, water, etc. during your hunt. If nothing else, I can show you a 100 in coues buck rack that I found a few years back.

Send me an email if you'd like. You can get my address from my profile.

By the way, I used my new Leica 1200 this past weekend. I was able to get consistent readings out to 1100 yards in all types of conditions. It was great. I did not connect on my mule deer, but did have some fun. I saw a couple of decent coues bucks.


I, like most of the people on MM, checked the posts regularly through the weekend waiting for the good word. Being frustrated and maybe a bit humbled is what makes success so sweet. They are also the things that make us better hunters. Easy challenges are nice, but the hard-earned ones are the ones you remember the best. Now, lace up those boots, grab the binos and "Go get him!!"

Ghost Hunter
Considering I am the best damned sub 90's inch coues deer glasser in the state, I may be just the thing you need. I am damned good at glassing up weener bucks and will even use my own binos as opposed to yours!!! So for the meager cost of a few cases of Coors Light and maybe a few sandwiches and a new can of Copenhagen, I will offer you my services as "Chief Guide" and "Master Coues Hunter"! If you want I can email you pictures of tons of weener bucks that I have taken part in killing before and references from the killers! If they cuss about me too loud ignore them, they were mostly out of shape or angry with me for being "lost" most of the day or some other worthless reasons that probably had nothing to do with coues hunting ;-)
And for the measly cost of anoother case of CL I will throw the dead buck over my shoulder and jog back to the truck with him!!! Bwaahahaha!! ;-)

Just kidding!!! I know you will get one...Good luck! We all want to see you come dragging back a gorilla! And if a gorilla isn't around, just settle for one to get one under your belt. You are going to need the experience before your Mexico trips later this year! My grandpa who taught me to coues hunt always told me three things "Shoot early, Shoot often, make sure they are down!!!" Or maybe it was, "Shut up, Put that down and get back in the truck!" Well either way, just go get one!;-)

Bret "Not so good coues guide" Mattausch
Bura Nut, A 500 yard shot at a small deer is one hell of a poke, now if you had missed at 200 I might say something about that. I think you'll get your buck this time. There should be less pressure on the Fri. and Sat. I leave for my elk hunt in one hour. I'm feeling lucky since I was drawn last year for an archery bull tag. Two tags in a row don't come around that often. I ate my tag last year this time I hope to have elk meat in the freezer and antlers on my wall. Can't wait to see the pics of the coues you get. Good luck. Tom
Bura...I wish I could go with you Sat...but I'll be with you in of luck buddy! Lots of learning lessons...makes you a better deadlier hunter...

Scott G.
I feel your pain man,I just got back myself late last night and after 5 days of hunting those little @%^%#&@@!* and having oppurtunities ruined by other interactions (Quads,Dogs,Hunters and Ranchers on horseback hazing cattle)I finally got to the buck that I had seen in my scouting trips, There he was 250 YRDS away standing broadside no doubt feeding on the yellow grass,The anticipation was finally there, Just make the shot and he would be mine, well ya know I dont know how I did it but &*%&@$^&*@ I missed not only once but twice,They(a forky was with him)Ran over the top of the ridge and he was gone,(What a bummer) But there is always next year and I learned a few things on this my first coues whitetail hunt ever and I had a great time just being out there amongst nature, I did however manage to shoot my first ever mountain lion after all these years of seeing them but not having a tag or weapon with me at the time,It was a tom that had walked out in front of me at 25 yrds broadside and stopped and looked right me,First stage fright set in, then I realized that I wasnt dreaming and shot, Man what a thrill it was to see him down and know I have a trophy, and story to share with my son and grandsons(2) for years to come.I really cant tell ya how big he is but I got pics that I will post as soon as I get them back from the photo lab this evening,I leave tomorrow night to help my brother out on his elk hunt opening friday morning, I know I will have as much fun on this hunt, just hope we can get a nice bull.
Good luck this weekend and give er heck good things come to those who are patient,you will do just fine take plenty of pics to post on here.

Talk at ya later
You got everyone following your hunt, living vicarously through you. I'm sure you will do us proud - No Pressure :)

Keep up the great attitude, your going to get one. Just don't forget to take pictures and post them. Then we can print them off the computer and put them into our own photo albums.

P.S. Bret, that was a great post :D
I guess this post was an alternative to "tucking my tail" and never coming back to MM where I could be Mocked. Well thanks to clear thinkers like Brett, I now know that getting lost, missing a buck like Tagline and having other hunters/hikers/atv's/cowboys bump the bucks doesnt happen only to me. As to the frickin rangefinders, you can find my piece of feces Bushnell out on the "range" where it belongs. DDS, I am getting one that actually ranges farther than 300 yards. I bet PW threw that thing farther than it could range. I am getting the Leica 1200. It is doubly frustrating when you cant pick anything up, you change the batteries and it still only ranges 1 out of 5 objects mostly out to 300 yards. Anyway, I am past the humiliation stage into a full fledged PISSIN CONTEST with these little demons. Hopefully I find a big dumb one (no not you PW) that has a death wish saturday............ Thanks, Allen.....
Hey Allen,

If you need an extra set of eyes I can probably help. I'm off Friday,Saturday, and Sunday. I had plans to go quail hunting with Mammoth for the NM opener but i'm sure he would understand.

36c is about four hours from where I live. I can be there in one. he he I'm sure you could use an extra set of 15s. Let me know

Oh by the way I also own a Nikon 800 laser range finder that might be of assistance. Call me tonight at home if you are intereseted 505-388-2602


Hang in there bud! Dedication pays off and I have a feeling you'll get paid!


Hang in there! It took me 6 years to fill my first coues tag. Trust me, I learned a lot over those 6 years. In fact I didn't even find a buck until my 6th hunt.

I can relate to your situation when you talk about other hunters, quads, ranchers, etc. "helping" in your pursuit. Funny story for you though...I went out this weekend with my brother and his girlfriend. It was her first deer tag ever. He shot a deer in August with his bow so he was playing guide and trying to get her a shot at a coues. Friday...nothing but does. Saturday...nothing but does. first day of hunting and we are out glassing. After glassing a hill for an extended period of time (only to see does) we decide to move on to the next. As we slowly move along we jump a small buck that takes off and stops in a clearing about 200 yards away. That's when she goes "look, there he is" and watches him run off. Granted it was a small buck, but it could have been her first buck. My brother and I sat her down and jokingly "discussed" how this process works. You find a buck...aim...and shoot. Don't point and say "look, there he is". Oh well, at least it was fun. That's the whole point. As for me, I'm heading back out on Friday looking for the same thing you are...hopefully without the wind and rain! Good luck! I know it will work out for you.
You bet I'll give up the opener with Tommy and his "veteran" bird dog Chico if you need his help. I would love to see you post some pic's! I'm pulling for you man!!!
I'll vouch for Tommy's eyes, he can spot thats for shure. And them Swarovskis he packs around all over the place now, IMPRESS the hell out of me! Oh ya... and He's "occasionally" good company for a hunting partner....;-)
It tends to really get to you when you know you are doing most of the things right and you havent got one, then you see someone who gets up late, walks into an area and lucks upon a 105" buck like I saw the other day hanging in their camp. I hope I have that kind of luck this weekend. If not, I will keep after these critters come december in Mexico.......Thanks for the moral support and letting me piss and moan...... Allen......
well you said you were expecting to be mocked- so i'll do it- MOCK, MOCK, MOCK, MOCK, MOCK, MOCK, MOCK. now get off the freaking computer and go kill a freaking deer. you keep us in stories/info/crap/moaning/etc- all the rest of the year- get up, walk to you're chevy (nice truck by the way) and hit one on the road if you have to- talk to us later- KILL, KILL, KILL, KILL, MOCK, MOCK, MOCK, MOCK, KILL, KILL, KILL, KILL. now before some of you guys get riled- f'off. i'm motivating him in my own special way dammitt. the nikon 800 is the good one dude.

Michael: I am back after hunting friday evening (only a small buck showed himself) and all day saturday. I spotted a real shooter at about 900 yards but could not find him bedded once I got over the ridges to where he went. Crazyaboutcoues was up chasing them with us and can agree that we covered alot of territory but had no shooter bucks present themselves. I came home late last night to try and win some brownie points with the wife. She is getting a bit put out by me being gone and this thursday (my sons b-day) I leave for the Kaibab, so I figured I need to stick around the house a bit. Michael: I would have run one over, just didnt get the chance, only muley does crossed the road in front of me. Well, I will knock one down in Mexico so I will not be coues buckless this season.......... Allen......
Congradulations, you got one of those wiley Coues. Albeit, not the one you wanted but now the pressure is off, unless the Mrs. lays the guilt on ya for spending so much time on your quest. Show some pixs when you can and share the story. We've all been pulling for you and waiting for the good word.

Ghost Hunter
Bura Nut,
I was pulling for you, but those grey ghosts really put the capital H in HUNT. I didn't get to pull the trigger last December in 36C either. This just makes the desire greater. Yesterday, I saw a nice non-typical coues rack at the local taxidermist that a local hunter had just taken in 36C during the first weekend of the November hunt. A rough score put him at 108" net (maybe 115 gross, even with only a 12" spread). After seeing this rack, I just wanted to be back in the Baboquivaris. Putting "Western Whitetail II" in the VCR only fueled the fire. Did you see any mountain lions? Good luck in Mexico.
Red Rabbit
Red: I am pretty sure I glassed one hidden in a rockpile last sunday. I was hoping to see a lion clearly, but maybe later. As for Mexico, it should be a slam dunk, but I am holding out for a monster until my last day. I would love to get one +110 but maybe I am dreaming. I know it will be fun and the bucks should be rutting good......... Thanks, Allen......
Sounds like you really had a good hunt. Plenty of company and lots of deer. For years in the area we've hunted there have been some huge bucks that stayed just out of reach. Better times ahead and maybe one ridge over, further from the road another group of bucks will be found next year. If you can hike to the spot in less than a hour you won't be alone.

Mexico is a different situation. Your luck is almost assured and it will spoil you if you're not careful.


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