Lets see some 61 bulls


Active Member
Just curious as to what has been killed this year in Colorado's unit 61. Lets see some pictures and stories of big bulls.

My buddy came home empty handed. Anyone else experience this? I can't believe it. He said after the first day they wouldn't bugle at all. Maybe 61 isn't all its cracked up to be. Any opinions?
Its been a couple years since I was there but I did not think that bugling bulls was neccessary to kill a bull there. I seemed to be able to spot bulls just about anywhere there was not a road, in likely cover. How picky was he?
I was wondering if any one with an archery or muzzleloader tag had anything to say about this years hunts in unit 61???
Yes 61 sucks for trophy bulls just like the rest of Colorado. They need to change something to have some trophy elk units, who wants to wait 10-15 years for a 300 bull (If you get lucky).
Here's a link to my buddies archery hunt on 61 this year.


I was there for 6 days when the muzzleloader season started and the bulls were screaming every day. Getting them to come in was a different story, but they were there and big ones too.

It's got some very tough, steep country and you need to spend a few seasons with other hunters while your waiting to make sure you are not waisting time and to make the best use your time on your hunt there IMHO.

To answer your question sjhgraysage, he was not picky. I was with him on the first day and he passed a very small 6 point first thing in the morning then he missed a 320 bull but after that he was willing to kill any 6 point and never had a chance he said.
My dad had that tag in 1999. He killed a bull coming through some timber. He saw a browtine and squeezed the trigger. I was not by his side at that moment. Turned out to be a 4 point bull, small 4 point. We had a great time and he killed his only bull, he was 70 then, he turns 80 next week.
IMHO the tough thing about the first season is that you have only five days to find and kill a bull. If the weather is dry and warm and the bulls shut up after day one it can get hard. I do believe that there are plenty of bulls, but sometimes getting a look at them can be the challenge.
Sorry to hear that he did not fill that tag.
I hunted with a friend the first season in 61 we were in elk all the first day they were bugling most of the day also we passed up 7 smaller bulls (4x4 5x5)should have taken the last bull a good 6x6, sunday morning he shot the first bull he saw a small 6x6 and was totally pumped for his first bull. ,

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