Knack's Colorado Muzz Bull


Very Active Member
Hello All,
Thought I would try for a bull this year with a muzzleloader.
Got this nice 6x6 in a OTC area after enduring rain and more rain.
Very happy with him even though I know of bigger ones.
Who says there is no decent bulls in Colorado?
Good luck on your hunts all.


Nice bull
Spot & stalk, calling, water? Give us a little more of the details to the hunt.
Nice Job Knack. Good looking ML bull.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Thanks everyone.
I hope you all get one bigger in your hunts.
Might try to do something with it as for the specifics at a later date if all works out.
Will say I cow called him into his demise even with limited rutting activity where I was.
Just remember to hang in there no matter what and give it your all.
OTC? I thought all Colorado muzzy hunts were drawing only. Thats when we went 2 years ago. Are you talking about a left over license?

That's a nice looking bull Jerry.....big time congratulations. Also nice to see you posting again!

BOHNTR )))---------->
By OTC I meant it's in an area that you can get an over the counter archery or any season rifle tag for...Not a limited unit.

Hey Roy....Thanks but I got a long ways to go to come close to your achievements. Think next year I will use the stick and string again. Who knows maybe I will get one bigger:).
Email me, I have some free info on a rather large buck I blew it on this year...Dont think I will make it out for deer again this year or next either so maybe you can get done what I could not if interested.

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