Want to buy Swarovski 2x Doubler


Very Active Member
Have a buddy who has his heart set on a Swarovski 2x Doubler. Any of you have one for sale at a reasonable price? If so, please shoot me a PM with the particulars. Thanks in advance.
Your buddy has obviously never used one and is about to learn a valuable lesson.

Tell him to save his money.

They are pretty much worthless in any light condition.

I assume he wants to put it on his 15x56 binocs. Would tell him to try one out first.
There is one FREE all you have to do is contact BuraNut and get the GPS settings where he tossed his on a hunt. NOT WORTH A DAMN.

did I say cheap! they do work but not to the level I wanted....or the cost I paid!

You almost had a taker until they all ruined it for you. haha.
I was wathcing a hunting show and they said the same thing everyone else is saying. Save your money.

its all good and I am ok with that..(I will bash them later ...lol).glad some here are not full of crap! and I am lucky enough that I can spend many thousands on good stuff..BUY THE BEST YOU Will always be happy with it. Cabela's sell it for around 350 he can buy check it out then return it if he wants to see for him self.....
check out the Jim White tripler, it has had much better reviews thn the doubler and it does not require the eye piece being unscrewed. it also clamps on too different binos.
Foreman, I have a couple of them and would seriously have him look at the Jim White tripler versus the Swaro doubler. The tripler is alot easier to put on, doesnt require taking the eyepiece out of th bino and works better. Neither the tripler or doubler will replace a good spotter, but if he is set on getting something, the tripler is by far the best money spent. I believe the tripler costs 250.00 and if Brian doesnt sell them here, he can call Jim White at 1-928-635-5376........... Thanks, Allen Taylor......

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