484" Beaver bull


Very Active Member
LAST EDITED ON Sep-21-13 AT 07:59PM (MST)[p]Rumors of a Beaver bull going 484"

Traditional >>>------->
>I only see 482"!:D:D:D
>Best Watch Out!
>My Arm is starting to Hurt!
>I'm about to Itch it!

LMMFAO!!!! That's good sh!t rite there^^^^^
>You know him Bess? He's supposedly
>from vernal.
>Traditional >>>------->

Face looks Familiar but I can't put a name on him?

Best Watch Out!
My Arm is starting to Hurt!
I'm about to Itch it!
>I agree with Travishunter--looks like a
>farm bull and there is
>a farm on the north
>east end of the Beaver
>unit. No way that
>bull is 484 either....looks 440ish
>to me, just my .02.....giant
>non the less!!!

Like you, or anyone else, could score a bull that big simply by looking at a picture. You don't have a clue what he scores, neither does anyone else just by looking at the picture. It is a GIANT bull, that'll all we know.
Huge Bull, that's for sure.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
That's like getting a Christmas present from your Grandma, only to open it on Christmas morning and finding out it's a pair of socks!

Big bull none-the-less.
Doesn't it bug anyone else when these farm bulls get posted as to invoke the same respect as monster bull created by nature not man... If it's not a farm bull, why post all of the information? A bull that big has a big story to follow... Save the details for the video or magazine but to not have anymore information than a picture and a rumor, to me just...sucks.
Another farm (null) trying to be passed as a hunted monster.
I wonder what sickens the mind of those that actually want to create a story and then try and pull one over the heads of real hunters?
They may fool some but it does not change the fact it's domestic livestock confined and would eat out of your hand.
No matter what they pay they can never replace the actual hunt and experience with money.
Very hollow sad men trying to buy attention is all.
+1. Like paying for a good time in Vegas then saying yur a lady's man. Sad.

"That's a special feeling, Lloyd"
i find it hilarious that everybody frowns on HF bulls. they think you can just walk in there and shoot them. little does everyone know that my family owns rpr and its just as hard to hunt bulls up here as it is to hunt any other limited entry units. we have a bull that we havent seen in the day time for 3 years. if it weren't for trail cams and sheds we would just forget about him and assume hes dead. So before everyone starts talking all this high dollar/fence bull shiz, you come and hunt up here. you have a better chance at killing a bull on an open unit. =)
>i find it hilarious that everybody
>frowns on HF bulls. they
>think you can just walk
>in there and shoot them.
>little does everyone know that
>my family owns rpr and
>its just as hard to
>hunt bulls up here as
>it is to hunt any
>other limited entry units. we
>have a bull that we
>havent seen in the day
>time for 3 years. if
>it weren't for trail cams
>and sheds we would just
>forget about him and assume
>hes dead. So before everyone
>starts talking all this high
>dollar/fence bull shiz, you come
>and hunt up here. you
>have a better chance at
>killing a bull on an
>open unit. =)

If its harder to kill a bull on your game farm then public land then why do people pay to hunt on your farm?
Ha ha having a couple buddies that work for a high fence place I am pretty sure you didn't go 3 years without seeing him. How many acres do you have, 1 million? So you ship him in on a truck, turn him out, and don't see him for 3 years?? Right. Go back to the shooting arcade!
Thanks forest_freak! That must be some thick and nasty stuff to not see a bull for three years in 640 acres.

Since nobody has seen him in the last 3 years?

Would you let the ole cat go in & see if He's still alive?:D

I'm itchin to try this 375 RUM on an Elk!

Best Watch Out!
My Arm is starting to Hurt!
I'm about to Itch it!
>i find it hilarious that everybody
>frowns on HF bulls. they
>think you can just walk
>in there and shoot them.
>little does everyone know that
>my family owns rpr and
>its just as hard to
>hunt bulls up here as
>it is to hunt any
>other limited entry units. we
>have a bull that we
>havent seen in the day
>time for 3 years. if
>it weren't for trail cams
>and sheds we would just
>forget about him and assume
>hes dead. So before everyone
>starts talking all this high
>dollar/fence bull shiz, you come
>and hunt up here. you
>have a better chance at
>killing a bull on an
>open unit. =)

I have a HF ranch in my backyard and know they raise the big bulls in a pen then let them out into the 2500 acre "Ranch".... Pasture. Then they let the guys from back east come "hunt" them.... Look at some of the film from the hunts, they are hilarious. Search elk ranch Willard UT... Go to there sight....

Some of the HF ranches are quit large but majority are harvesting antlers to send to Japan on 3000 acres or less. There are 300 bulls with the antlers cut off bugling all night long in my back yard.
>i find it hilarious that everybody
>frowns on HF bulls. they
>think you can just walk
>in there and shoot them.
>little does everyone know that
>my family owns rpr and
>its just as hard to
>hunt bulls up here as
>it is to hunt any
>other limited entry units. we
>have a bull that we
>havent seen in the day
>time for 3 years. if
>it weren't for trail cams
>and sheds we would just
>forget about him and assume
>hes dead. So before everyone
>starts talking all this high
>dollar/fence bull shiz, you come
>and hunt up here. you
>have a better chance at
>killing a bull on an
>open unit. =)

I have a feeling this just may show up around the first of the year for the funniest quotes of the year on MM's, lol.
Especially that last sentence. Guessing you must be blind, paralyzed from the eye balls down and have no arms to not shoot a bull in a HF...


"Hunting is where you prove yourself"

Let me guess, you drive a 1 ton with oak trees for smoke stacks, 12" lift kit and 40" tires to pull a single place lawn mower trailer?
>i find it hilarious that everybody
>frowns on HF bulls. they
>think you can just walk
>in there and shoot them.
>little does everyone know that
>my family owns rpr and
>its just as hard to
>hunt bulls up here as
>it is to hunt any
>other limited entry units. we
>have a bull that we
>havent seen in the day
>time for 3 years. if
>it weren't for trail cams
>and sheds we would just
>forget about him and assume
>hes dead. So before everyone
>starts talking all this high
>dollar/fence bull shiz, you come
>and hunt up here. you
>have a better chance at
>killing a bull on an
>open unit. =)

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha...

Haaaaa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

That has to be one of the funniest things I have heard in a very, very long time.

You were joking right? There is no way you can be serious here.

I seriously can not stop laughing.

Thanks for making me smile!

"The problem with quotes on Internet Forums is that it is often difficult to verify their authenticity." - Abraham Lincoln
You know I actually know a few landowners that run elk and buffalo fenced operations....None of them would ever say it is hard to shoot any animal on there operation and to compare it to public land hunting "IS" laughable.
They will take a good deal of money from those that want to shoot an elk rather than saw the antlers off by hand.

You want to come pet or shoot a few 440-460"+ bulls I can probably hook you up. Just spare us the glorified stories you may make up afterwards. 100% success rate guaranteed....Never seen that on public and I wonder why?
Hahahahahahaha heck i must be putting in for all the wrong units here in NM if its easier to kill one on public land then in the Zoo. Anybody on MM know which is the secret unit in NM I can pet a 450" bull??? Ill give you a guided mule deer hunt on our ranch. Sorry it's a private ranch and it will be extremely hard to find a deer but it borders state land so maybe one will make a mistake and step onto the private. Hahaha high fenced ranch harder to hunt then public land. Give it up dude.
>i find it hilarious that everybody
>frowns on HF bulls. they
>think you can just walk
>in there and shoot them.
>little does everyone know that
>my family owns rpr and
>its just as hard to
>hunt bulls up here as
>it is to hunt any
>other limited entry units. we
>have a bull that we
>havent seen in the day
>time for 3 years. if
>it weren't for trail cams
>and sheds we would just
>forget about him and assume
>hes dead. So before everyone
>starts talking all this high
>dollar/fence bull shiz, you come
>and hunt up here. you
>have a better chance at
>killing a bull on an
>open unit. =)

Of course for enough money, you would probably consider letting someone shoot it at night with a spotlight. That would be legal wouldn't it??


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
>i find it hilarious that everybody
>frowns on HF bulls. they
>think you can just walk
>in there and shoot them.
>little does everyone know that
>my family owns rpr and
>its just as hard to
>hunt bulls up here as
>it is to hunt any
>other limited entry units. we
>have a bull that we
>havent seen in the day
>time for 3 years. if
>it weren't for trail cams
>and sheds we would just
>forget about him and assume
>hes dead. So before everyone
>starts talking all this high
>dollar/fence bull shiz, you come
>and hunt up here. you
>have a better chance at
>killing a bull on an
>open unit. =)

Give this guy a break!!! I spent all weekend at the trout farm and got skunked. I had Power bait, wormes, and corn. High fince fishing is hard.Im going to go back to fishing for macks on the lake.
In all reality hunting a game ranch could be tough! Of course if there's no animals on the inside of the fence.
What a croc of crap. I had a family member that raised elk and sold them to the ranches. We feed a 450 bull out of a bucket and the next day he was sent to a ranch and killed the same day. The guy that shot that tame bull braged about it. I couldn't stand it. what a stupid thing to do. Just stand in one spot and shake your bucket of grain and you can get a big one. I have a pet dog in my yard if anyone is interested in paying me to shoot it. It would be a great trophy.

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