What would this bull score?


Founder Since 1999
Saw this bull while looking for deer. He had me excited.


Brian Latturner
LIKE MonsterMuleys.com on Facebook!
>Hard to tell, if I had
>to guess in the pic
>270 is maybe


>>====Hostess Donettes Pro Staff=====>
LAST EDITED ON Jul-09-16 AT 06:50PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Jul-09-16 AT 06:31?PM (MST)

Need another angle to judge his width, but I'd put him in the 330-340 range. Pretty good beam length. Nice bull...

>AT 06:50?PM (MST)

>AT 06:31?PM (MST)

>Need another angle to judge his
>width, but I'd put him
>in the 330-340 range.
>Pretty good beam length.
>Nice bull...

330-340 is way off at his very best a 300" bull

Beautiful bull though if he is a Utah Otc bull I would not hesitate and would be very happy with him nice find founder if I had to guess he is an extended archery bull you are eyeing
Oh ya 330-340 is WAYYYYY OFFFFF!!!!!!! 300 AT BEST IS BEONG WAYY GENEROUS HAHa,but more realistic.
Buglenmin and Desertpointbrian,

Well, you both obviously have a much better eye than I do. My guess could certainly be wrong. Why don't you break down how you arrive at your estimated scores, so I can learn from you...

>42" beam
>6" 5th
>12" 4th
>5" 3rd
>12" second
>12" first
>22" mass
>=111x2=222+30" spread

Granted this bull falls way short of 330-340 , however I'm of the opinion he will score much closer to 280 than 252. Founder, waiting for GPS coordinates so that one of the MM team can actually put a tape on him. Good basics going for this bull if he survives 2-3 years.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-10-16 AT 11:46PM (MST)[p]Correct me if I'm wrong ....but with the exception of one poster, this site has him scored from 252 to 300. Just saying ?
And that one poster can see that I overestimated him. Live and learn...

At least we know the all caps key and exclamation points still work for some folks :)

Decent fronts, but from the 3rd's up, that bull is pretty average to weak for a mature bull. I dont think there is any way that bull is 300. I would venture to guess closer to 270, maybe 280 tops if the MB's are longer than I think.
Will finish close to 300" IMO (90%)of the tag holders would be happy with him.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
Since I have never been able to break the 300" mark, but have killed a few 270-280 bulls, I am pretty good at judging these small bulls, haha. Add my guess that he'll finish up at 270.
If it is an extended Wasatch front bull, score doesn't matter. The fact that he is a nice six point bull on a general season area is enough. The majority of hunters hunting on public land general season areas consider that bull a trophy. I know I do! I would hang that bull on the wall if I killed it on a general season public land area! That bull is the equivalent of killing a 390" bull on a limited entry unit.

Nice bull!
That Bull would go 290 all day long. My guess is that he is within an inch or two of 300...and still possibly going to grow a little on 4th and 5th. Looks like a wyoming bull if I had to guess.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-13-16 AT 03:35PM (MST)[p]IMHO the guesses of around 270" are a lot closer than anyone saying that bull is 300" or better. His fronts are very nice, but his beam lengths are not great and his thirds are very weak to come close to or break 300". The last bull a friend took with his bow scored 285" and got him a P&Y certificate. It was better than this bull at least at this stage of this ones growth and he's probably not going to put much more on other than his tops before he sheds his velvet that also makes him look better than he really is.
I think berrys numbers are spot on except I'm thinking 45-46 on the beams. 285-290. Anyone remember when a bull like this in Utah was a stud?
I shot a bull years ago on an otc unit about the same size as he looks to be now he was 260. I think he may tape out at 280-300"
Definately worth shooting on an otc unit.
He scores exactly "let him walk".

Unless it an open bull tag - then blast away!


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A average mature/big bull has a 200" main frame. Deduct 10" for main beam length, 8" for width and around 7" for him being light on his mass and that's a 175" main frame. 45" main beams, 32" wide and 26.5" of mass per side.

10" G1
13" G2
8" G3
12" G4
7" G5

This puts him at 275"

No way that bull will make 300", He will be a very nice bull in a couple of years though. Depending on the area I was hunting I may let him walk, he defiantly wouldn't be a bull I would plan a hunt around.

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