Little bucks


Active Member
Does anybody know a place around spanish fork area where there are some bucks I could go after with my grandpa? He hasnt been hunting for a long time so I would like to shoot a deer when he is with me. I dont need you to tell me where any big bucks are, just some 2 or 3 points. He can hike pretty good so we can get off the road a little bit.
Go big or go home
what happend to go big or go home j/k that is a pretty easy area to find forkedhorns just get down there put in some effort you should not have any problems good luck
Ive seen a little four point hanging around the back 9 of Spanish Oaks. From what we have seen on here so far this year, golf course hunting is the 'in' thing right now.
How far from SF are you talking?
Sheep Creek or Dairy Fork are good areas to checkout.
Both are about 15-20 min from SF.
You may want to check up white river as well. I hunted up there a few years and there are a lot of little bucks. Hunt along the river near dark and you can catch them coming down to get a drink.
thanks for all the help guys! The areas dont have to be too close to spanish fork, probably just were you can get a good night hunt in by leaving at about 5:00. All you guys have helped a lot and I will have to try at least a few of those places.
Go big or go home

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