all star muley team??


Very Active Member
you get to start a team who do ya pick??

I call Kirt Darner he is my hero!!!


Wildlife population control specialist
In no particular order...

David Long
NeverEnuf (Shawn S.)

All of these guys know there stuff and consistently produce big muleys. I think if I could put these guys on my team and have something like the "Governors Tag" in my pocket. Even, I may be able to produce a Book Buck.


"Helping turn good tags, into great ones." -
Dennis Winch
Ryan Hatch
Nate Jackobson
David Long
Ollin Clawson
Tory Brock
If this is anything like fantasy basketball you're doomed buddy ;-)
1st round 2nd pick goes to sonofthesouth!!

Darner and Zumbo! Not just because of their hunting skills but also beliefs and integrity!:)
Please leave me out of the voting on this one. I have a hard enough time finding any privacy as it is.
I think that I am going to start an old mans team and say I want Ted Riggs first.

Someone who doesn't need these things to kill a trophy buck:

1) Controlled hunt permit

2) Private Property

3) Guides

Not that there is anything wrong at all with any of them, but if a guy can produce every year or so on a general hunt on public ground he is my hero. I am not one of those guy's but hope to be one when I grow up.

#)unlimited resources.....and a wife that wouldn't leave me if I spent as much time in the field as it requires to make it happen.

I'm surprised Greg Krough hasn't been mentioned.

Ill say Greg Krogh for sure, he is one of the best in the biz!
Tory Brock would be hard to beat, he is responsible for more bone going down than anybody I know.
Huntsonora has guided on 20 deer over 200 so he's got to be in there as well


and last but not least, bobcatbess for comic relief :)
>and last but not least, bobcatbess
>for comic relief :)

If you will add your name to that list BCBOY I think you might be onto something eh?

BTW look at MOST ALL of what Randy Ulmer has killed then look at Greg Krogh and say "thank you Greg" Randy wouldn't have killed any of those Nevada or Colorado deer without him behind the glass and or the radio talking him in! Greg is a killer for sure.

LAST EDITED ON Nov-05-08 AT 09:02PM (MST)[p]Greg definately has big bucks firgured out. Especially those nevada giants. I forgot to add him to my list. Plus Dwane Adams has guided some great bucks off the kiabab. I wouldn't mind having the bundy's on my side either
I'm gonna take berry, bessy and slam I like the underdogs
Good Luck and Great Memories
I like the Doyle Moss proposal--but does he counts as one vote or do you have to count his lofty office staff as well?

It's also funny when you think about how many old school, hard-core guys there are out there in Wyoming, Colorado that don't bother scoring their deer let alone publishing their pics and stories. I hunted around a small town in Wyoming last year and met a guy that had probably 7 deer on his wall over 200" At least one book typical and non-typical. He could've cared less about their scores. He also had a pile of 180" deer in his garage that he never bothered mounting.

Point is, there are some SLEEPERS out there.
Okay, I will pick a few. My team cannot have the cocky, I am a God attitude, plus the ability to smoke a big buck. I see some big bucks taken from others, but their attitudes make me sick.

BLT, cabinfever, Adam Bronson, and JDH are the guys I want to go with just to mention a few! Certainly there are a few more.
1. Greg Krogh

2. Ryan Hatch

3. Tory Brock

4. Doyle Moss

I'd have Greg and Tory behind the glass finding the bucks, Ryan to slide me in for the kill. And then Doyle on the phone to come take pictures when were done.
1. kalan lemon

2. ryan hatch

3. tory brock

4. dennis winch

5. gunner steele

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