Backpackers In Region H Wyoming....Whats Up?


Very Active Member
This has to do with all the backpackers in region H Wyoming. If your 45 mins from walking to primetime hunting country, why on earth would you plant your tent right in the middle of it all? Oh let me guess, (could it be to chase all the deer out?) It doesn't make any sense! Opening day looked like L.A. during rush hour! Our group scouted the day before all you backpackers hiked on in and we saw bucks all over the place. On opening day, we were awake and up there before you guys even got out of your tent beds. I don't know how you backpackers even slept through the thunder storm & high winds at times, that came through? Oh, by the way, which ever one of you put their tent in that old sheepherders camp at the end of the horse trail, well while you were out & about we saw 5 bucks right next to your tent. I just want to be clear here, I'm not against backpacking at all but when your soooo close to primetime hunting country come onnnnn. Maybe you could try giving some thought to others x(
I am confused. You said the BP'ers chased all the deer out of prime hunting ground and then you said 5 bucks were standing right by someone's tent?
Apparently quest feels he owns the mountain and that he has more right than anyone else. Just a thought here - maybe the evil backpackers had done there scouting as well and decided that was the place they wanted to camp based on where they wanted to be at opening light?

Never been to g or h myself, but from what I've gathered, I would expect to see hunters no matter how far and how deep I went in those two units.
ramtagles Allow me to correct myself. The majority of deer had already been scared off. Those few very young bucks we saw near the tent were in the process of leaving the area. We just happened to come across them by the BP'ers tent and might I remind you, whomever that tent belonged too was not there at the time when the young bucks passed through.
The lightning the day before the opener may have had something to do with people camping down in the basins vs. on the ridges.
You gotta hate folks who use the same public land as you and I. If it was me, I'd consider a private lands hunt next time around...
Yeah, I'm not getting the rant. I've packed into a number of places and never had it push all the deer (or elk) out of the basin.

Sorry your hunt didn't go just like you hoped for. Better luck next time.
Should have harvested a buck and left the gut pile next to the tent.

Let's see, BP's come back and wonder why they ever left camp in the first place. Or BP's come back and find a Grizz has claimed their camp. Next year they won't make the same mistake.

I've hunted for years and can't tel you how many animals that I thought I had wrapped up where spooked off by somebody driving into the middle of a meadow in their Dodge diesel, or a ATV coming down a trail closed to offroad, or who knows. Part of scouting is figuring out where to avoid the yahoos or where the animals will go when the Yahoos do show up.
I hope you and your hunting party had a good time in the high country. I could not imagine being in that area and being unhappy. I can not speak for all of the backpackers hunting in the area you were in, but I was one of them. I spent many days hunting trophy mule deer with my bow. I was unable to get it done. One of the reasons is because, I did not want to blow out the trophy buck I found prior to the rifle opener. The day before the opener, I camped us at the top of the mountain, on the backside. The deer we were hunting, were unmolested until opening morning when horses and day hikers pushed the deer into the dark timber prior to the fog burning off from the storm that night. We hunted three days before I had to go. The morning we left I settled for a 7x4 that green scores 165. My buddy killed a 4x4 that green scored 165. I wish I could have been hunting right now with the weather. I am sure that staying in a wall tent, with cold beer had it's advantages, but I will brave the elements again next year. I also seen a wolf that I am sure did not help the situation.
I hope people don't get overly upset by my comments, but much of the reason big mature bucks are rare in the greys river country is because when they get 3 and 1/2 years old and score 160 -170 or so, they get killed by hunters, then if a few of them make it through several hunting seasons and get big, they have a good chance of getting poached in the wintering areas. Its not hard to understand why those big heavy horned muleys many of us dream about, are mostly just that, a dream.
Backpackers or Horse packers, what does it matter how they got there? As if somehow the word "backpacker" became a 4 letter word overnight.

Pic a better region with less people. You write as if somehow the way you hunt is the best way and the backpackers don't know what they are doing.

Find a more secluded canyon in a more secluded region.

You went to L.A. expecting not to see L.A.

"One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
Or to the horse hunters who rode thru the middle of MY bucks bed with their frikken million candle "flash light" just before daylight. the injustices I tell ya.
"You write as if somehow the way you hunt is the best way and the backpackers don't know what they are doing."


I hate when someone/something ruins a place I think I am gonna reign as King on too, especially when I think I have done everything I can to pin down some animals I want to take... but wouldn't time be better well spent looking for deer than staring down the Hikers Camp? Maybe when they were gone, they were out hunting too and up on the hill looking for the deer they just scared off from you.

Who knows, but I'm starting to find that Bowhunting is better than rifle for at least a little less of crowds or at least crowds that only stay the weekend and not during the weekdays.....But then again, I am a UTARD!

?-ERock-> ?
Like I said I'm not against BPers. Its the ones that put there tent up right in the open.
quest I think everyone missed your point. yes everyone has the right to be there, but how stupid do you have to be to set your camp up right in the spot you want to hunt? do they honestly think your going to crawl out of the tent and shoot something? quest maybe your just hunting around a bunch of retards that should be playing at the local chucky cheese!
I'll chime in here. I love to backpack into high country areas and bowhunt muleys. I love to try and get into country where I hope to leave the crowds behind. That being said, the fact is it's public land and everyone is welcome to it. I admit, it's frustrating to feel like others have messed up a situation, but thats part of the game we play. Plain and simple! I respect guys that will throw a 50+ pound pack on and haul gear in on their backs. I respect non-hunters that do the same thing. And whether their strategy and approach to hunting an area is the same as mine or not, they have put in time and effort to get into that area and it's all open to the public. Thats why when someone can make it all happen in the high country on public land with a bow is pretty awesome and usually pretty lucky! Just my opinion.
hornhunter247 I'm sorry for not being too clear. Your a 100 percent right. I think this group or groups didn't know what they were doing. It was just frustrating. I'm over it now. I hope some of the BPers in that area will next time think a little more about where they are at. I've read all the posts here and some of you are right. I don't own the land but a little commonsense would help us all. Oh, just for the record there were two monster bucks in that area. One of those bucks dropped down to lower elevation the other I don't know where he went. To the BPer that beat us up the mountain, you can flat out walk. We were just trying to catch up with you to see if you were after the same buck? Just to let you know you were about 600 yards from where we last saw him the day before. Unfortunately there was another hunter above us that busted him out. This all took place down lower. You guys know who you are and man was that buck a pig! Oh well, that's the way things goes :-(
I think you must be talking about me. My brother and I hiked up the day before season and camped near where we wanted to hunt. We spooked a monster on the way up and never saw him again we did get one good one and we did have Elk in our camp the first two nights and a band of six elk including two bulls one impressive 6x6. My brother saw 15 bucks that first day and I saw 5 including a 3x4 that I shot with my rifle. We didn't see the one I had scouted earlier in the summer as we disturbed him and I think he went low nad stayed in the timber. We were hunting along the hoback river. This was our first time hunting the high country and naturally we made some mistakes.
driftersifter I'm sorry it wasn't by the Hoback river. Believe me I've made quite a few mistakes, ask my brother. I guess it's all a part of the road of hard knocks. Keep truckin.
Its been that way for years, I have heard as many as 18 different hunters at the head of one drainage, if you flew a plane over the salt river range on opening morning I imagine it would be hard to go more than a mile without seeing a "coyoteing out tent" as Mike Eastman used to say, thats the way it is, and thats why many people that live near the area don't hunt deer much there anymore, me included, nice mountains in the summer though, not many people, but rifle hunting season is a mess. My brother just told me about our favorite deer hunting spot in the high country of NE Nevada, he wasn't finding many deer, not like usual, about noon on the opener he spotted a wall tent at the bottom of the canyon high up in the wilderness area, probably the outfitter, but no one was around for the 3 days that my brother hunted there, he found beer in the creek, torn up vegetation from horses, the hunting trip was ruined. In other words, thats the way hunting is these days, not always, but oftentimes. Horse packers, horse riders, backpackers, day hunters, its all the same.
Oh Boohoo. Suck it up it is called hunting. The other hunters are just another challenge. If you dont like the backpackers pack your own bag and get the h away from them. It is gods country not yours or mine. I seen alot of people where I started and did not see anyone hunting the basins that I was hunting in. I stayed walking until I ran out of human obstacles. If in fact you want to be at the top of your game you need to adapt to challenges. I did camp on the ridge and I slept well with the tapping of the rain on the tent, cracking of the thunder and the amazing wind ripping through my bivy. It drowned out the crying comming from down below. You are right though. You have to wonder about the intellect of one who is hunting and dont have since enough to hide.
i have never heard of anybody getting upset with someone who puts the effort into backpacking??? Sounds to me like you should have put the bottle down a little earlier the night before the opener and went on in with you back pack. I have hunted h and g many, many, many times, and never had this issue. Maybe next year you should get out of the trailer and hunt!!
I feel your pain Last year in NM we had 3 bulls bugling around a little valley crossover spot(night before opener) we just knew we would have a chance at them in the morning, we show up at 4:00 a:m and we find a travel trailer pulled up the ATV trail and sitting in the crossover(saddle). I talked to the guys later in the morning and asked why they parked it there and they told because last year they saw elk crossing over it and they hunt somewhere else anyway, so they was hoping it would chase the elk to the spot they was hunting, I told them if you see them here why not hunt here and they just laughed and said it was more funny to drive and find them. Didn't hear or see those bulls the rest of the trip. LOL

What I really hate is that no-one salutes me like they should anymore. I guess they don't know who I'm. LOL

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
I am a horsepacker.

I hope the horsepackers in region G that set up camp where I saw a 29" buck would act more like the backpacker I used to be and set up camp away from the deer.

Those darned horsepackers

"One nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."
You're right, those darn backpackers! They should have just rode their quads up there like real hunters.
Some of us get it. Regardless of the rant characteristic of your post, it has a valid point. Regardless of how they got into the country (backpack, horse, ATV, foot), it is amazing how many people camp right exactly in the middle of prime habitat. And then complain that the deer / elk / etc., have gone "nocturnal". We used to refer to this with an old military expression, "Don't SH!} in your own pot"!
Sometimes it is lack of familiarity with the area, some times lack of skill (ignorance), and sometimes it is plain laziness. I have learned to shake my head, and keep heading deeper into the backcountry.
llamapacker, you totally understand my point. Like I said, I'm not against any type of packers BPer's). Thanks again.

I agree with Quest on this. These back packers have read way too many books on hunting the high country (and just because you can read does not make you an expert). I ALSO HUNTED IN Region H this year and it was a zoo. There where peoples camps right where our group has killed great bucks in years past. We have been hunting this area for 15+ years and it's like every year there is a new crop of morons that go up there. Back packers have there place in the hunting world no doubt, but to put your tent right were the bucks are living is ridiculous. These guys are just lazy and don't want the hike up every day,
I do agree that if its out of reach then you will need camp a little closer to the hunting grounds but like quest said its only a 45min hike from the trail head. Some one else mentioned leavening a gut pile in these camps, we met a guy that was going to leave something with "TP" on top as a surprise.

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