Book cliffs deer tag $


Very Active Member
Hey, just wanting to know what some of you think. If you had the chance to buy a Book cliffs deer tag rifle for $2500. Would you do it? I was debating to buy it, and passed. Am I regretting that choice? Is it worth $2500 bucks, or is it worth less or more? (So I know next time)

Thanks, Landon
I think it would depend on what class of deer you would be expecting. If you would be happy spending $2500.00 for a 160 class animal you would do OK spending the $2500.00. If you have your heart set on bigger save a few more dollars and go on a private land hunt some where.
You can draw a second choice unit in Colorado. Drive another hour and have a better hunt for 2k less.
If I had the money, I wouldn't hesitate to do it.

I'll tell you who it was . . . it was that D@MN Sasquatch!
I agree with notags2. I can't imagine spending that kind of money for a 160 class buck. The book cliffs is not a trophy me. I have been out there every single year hunting or trapping for the past 35 years.

What sets the book cliffs apart from every other unit is the higher buck-to-doe ratio. You simply don't see many 180-190 class animals out there. Not to be disrespectfull to those who claim they do exist, I simply believe their eyes are much bigger than their judging ability.

A little extra work will get you a 160 class buck on any unit in Utah.
i agree with buckstomp .but you would be hard pressed to get 140 class. i work out there every other week . hard to find even 4 point this winter snow is still 2-3 feet deep.
lmao there are 200 inch deer on every unit even general season!
If you want to ride around and get a 180 class buck you better have alot more flow or go hunt high fence.
It is very difficult to find a 180+ buck on the books, but with a little effort they are there. However the size of the buck doesn't make or break a hunt. You can see hundreds of deer every day down there. The desert landscape is beautiful, it is always fun to go down. If you can hunt the whole area it would be worth it, if you can only hunt on private it would greatly depend on its location.

I'll tell you who it was . . . it was that D@MN Sasquatch!
In Colorado on some hunts I have hunted for 5-6 days and seen less than 100 deer total, sometimes WAY less. To go on a hunt and see that many deer every day would be a quality hunt in my book. But then, I would be very happy with a 160 buck (even though I have a 165 and 183 on my wall). If I had the time and money (and it didn't cost my points) I would jump at the chance. Seems to me that the guys who aren't interested are ones who have "been there done that". If, like me, you haven't, it might be a lot of fun. Just a different viewpoint.


venor, ergo sum (I hunt, therefore I am)
$2500 is a pretty dang good deal for any Utah LE deer tag. You should have bought it. You won't find one any cheaper than that.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-20-11 AT 09:02PM (MST)[p]I second what has been said about top end 180+ buck out there. However, I will disagree that the Books isn't a really good hunt. It is a blast, you will see lots of deer and tons of bucks. It absolutely IS NOT a top end producing unit, but there isn't any 2nd choice unit in CO that can compare to the number of bucks you will see in the Books. There are a few nice onces that come out of there every year too. In my opinion $2,500 is a great deal on a LE deer tag for the Books.

This is probably a good example of an average Book Cliffs buck. I took this during the rifle hunt, this buck was standing 50 yards off a main road and didn't even run when i stopped to take the picture. I am pretty sure he didn't make it through the hunt.

Here is one I saw this November that has some major potential. I would love to see this buck again next year.


There is no such thing as a sure thing in trophy mule deer hunting.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-20-11 AT 09:24PM (MST)[p]Up to 9 bonus points and a 2 year waiting period, 2500 was an absolute bargain. Time is way more valuable than money and the experience means way more than the score of a buck.
If you have the extra cash laying around why not...My dad and I drew the tag last year and I had never set foot in the country, but went up a week early and got to know the country and ! walked away with a 28" wide heavy horned 4x5, along w my dad's 160" 4pt! We had a heck of a experience and by the time we draw the tag again we'll prob end up having $1500 in hunting licenses and the limited entry tag...Just realized I have to now also wait 2 years to even apply again so that's kind of a drag too...
I love seeing the pictures of the normal bucks in the book cliffs. I will probally shoot that 4 point opening day unless I see a bunch of deer that are bigger while scouting. I have a muzzleloader expo tag and can't wait. I have a friend that considered buying a land owner tag for the area so he could go with me. I checked with the huntin fool and the going rate was $4500. $2500 sounds like a bargain
I know people who spend that much on one every year just so they can hunt out there like we did when we were kids. It's totally worth it for that. But they've never come home with anything huge, if they get one at all.
That's a good price for LE tag in UT.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
LAST EDITED ON Feb-22-11 AT 08:00AM (MST)[p]Thats a question only you can answer.

Your income, what you are trying to get out of the hunt etc.....
Make the decision and live with it. Don't worry about anything, anyone else says (except your family).
180+ maybe if your lucky! Quality hunt, defintiely without a doubt. My situation I wouldn't spend 2500 but you might be loaded for all we know?


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