My high country mule deer.


Very Active Member
LAST EDITED ON Oct-04-11 AT 01:14PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Oct-04-11 AT 12:47?PM (MST)

Here is a link to the thread of my 2010 high country mule deer hunt.

In hindsight this would be the last deer hunt that I would get to have with my brother Brad, as he was tragically killed in an accident on February 12th 2011. I am super glad that I have the memories and pic's of that hunt, and wouldn't trade them for anything.

Troy Peterson from Santaquin did the mount of the buck I took, thanks Troy. The euro is Brads buck that he took two days prior to me taking mine, and the shed is one that we found together.


Please enjoy your 2011 season, and make the most of it with friends and family. I went into the 2010 season like any other, and now it holds some of my most valuable memories.

Take pics: Sometimes taking pictures is inconvenient, but I now know how worth it they are. They may be all you have to remember loved ones by. We made it a point to take a lot of pics in 2010, even though Brads buck was not very big, we took probably 30 pics of it, and a couple hundred pics of the other events of our season.
I now cherish these pics.

You never know when your last hunting season is, or when your best buds hunting season will be his last. Please take advantage of the time you have now, because time is something that you will never get back.

Very well done. I hear you about enjoying the moment. We need to make the most of what we have! Good luck this year.
Hey man i know the feelings of the last hunt, pics, and memories... going on my second season without my partner. great post! Freedom is not Free!
RIP Lil Bro' "Huntnfever"
My condolences on the loss of your brother. Those shared moments in the field will always bind you together in love and friendship.

Sorry to hear about your brother. I'm sure he will be watching on you every time you head into the hills. Also that's a beautiful mount.
Sorry again sliver, that mount of your buck and brads buck is beautiful and I'm sure he would love it.
Sliver-beautiful deer, beautiful mount, and way to hang in there on that hunt when things weren't looking so good.

Thx for the great advice, too, on pics. My guess is that your great memories are being shared by your brother every time you look at that deer on the wall and the pics.

Thanks also for taking the time to tell this story-this gives all of us some inspiration.


Sorry for your loss. Some of the best times in my life have been with my only brother while hunting.

I'm glad you were able to experience the same.

Thank you for your words of wisdom.


I agree with you to make the most of each hunt. I was always the one taking lots of photos and annoying everyone in camp but I am sure glad I did.

My Dad and the other guys I used to deer hunt with are gone now and those photos sure mean a lot. Our best hunts were not the result of killing bucks but the time spent together.

We loose our hunting buddies over time but thankfully we get to keep our memories. Sorry to hear you lost your brother. I know things will not be the same for you without him.


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