2011 Idaho OTC buck


Active Member
Well, its been a tough and frustrating general hunt in SE Idaho. Multiple scouting trips yielded a few bucks, but nothing of any size. The season was spent hiking and glassing and only seeing a few little bucks. Some days I didn't even see a deer. On Oct. 24th, the general hunts around my home closed. I put my rifle away. Last weekend, a couple of my buddies talked me into going for a couple hour drive Sunday morning (10/30) to try a unit that was still open. I decided to give it one more try.

We got to the spot just as it was getting light and there was another rig already there. We spent some time looking around and turned up another pickup. It appeared that everyone was just driving around the many roads. We got out and headed in different directions hoping to bump something from the sage. About 10am my buddy bumped a forked horn and tagged him. The rest of us set out to hunt another area while he took care of his deer.

I wished there was more to the story, but after a couple hours of hiking I heard the thump of a deer. I turned and saw this dude boiling out of a sagebrush about 60 yards away. I had a going away shot at a flat out running buck, that was slightly quartering to the left. My first shot went in just in front of the last rib and pounded his lungs/chest. My second shot hit thin air:) Just as I lost sight of him over a slight rise I saw his back end start to wobble. I moved forward and could see a sagebrush moving as he was kicking. A sweet sight.

He's not the biggest buck on the mountain, but given that it was noon on the last day I could hunt, on heavily roaded/heavily hunted public land with a general season tag, I couldn't be happier. He was the only live deer I saw Sunday and the biggest buck I have seen all year. It was about a mile drag and it was brutal. We also left the cameras at home so you get to see my front yard.


Nothing to be ashamed of in that buck. Nice mass and good typical frame. You did good. Congrats on a fine buck!
DANDY BUCK!!!!.....Congrats!

"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all."
Lance, those are either VERY flattering photos or that's a pretty good deer.

I'd say well done!! (And you were able to go trick or treating tonight...James was Dracula and thought he had a ball.)

Within the shadows, go quietly.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-01-11 AT 07:19AM (MST)[p]After all the looking you did, are you sure that was not the biggest buck on the mountain? He would make me happy! Prolonged success is about as sweet as it gets.
That's a keeper, Good looking buck.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
Thanks Grant. The pictures do make him look a little wider, but that is about it. Its easier to keep track of the horns when you don't cut them off:)

I had a ninja and a mermaid to take trick or treating, good times!
You make a valid point....about easier to keep track of the antlers when in one piece.......but boning the critter makes it LOTS easier to move!

Within the shadows, go quietly.
Next time I am going to bone it out. We had a nice high side sled which really helped. Plus my buddy thinks he is a draft horse.
Don't do ANYTHING to "tick off" that buddy. He's a GOOD friend!

Within the shadows, go quietly.
Good work and thanks for sharing the pictures and story.
Killing a nice buck like that on and OTC Idaho tag is not only something to be proud of but takes some work and determination. Congratulations
Congrat's Nice buck and nice story thanks for shareing the Pics.
Sounds like you worked hard for the oportunity to get your buck. That makes all your effort rewarding with a good OTC buck.


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