Wife's Nevada 031 deer tag.


Long Time Member
Alright guys, I'm asking for help from anyone that has experience in 031, Nevada.

I've chukar hunted it before but not since it burned.

They extended the season this year and it runs until 11/05. But I have a conflicting tag so we'll have to do her hunt early.

My plan is to spend a long weekend scouting mid-August and get there 2 full days before the season begins. And she'll have 6 full days to hunt.

She'll be happy with any mature 4X4, it doesn't have to be the biggest buck on the mountain.

Any information would be appreciated.
Congrats to your wife for pulling the tag!

You might want to research/check out the Oregon unit which borders 31. I read that's a good unit, so you might get some tips there, especially if you hunt next to the border. Maybe even access it from Oregon?

Although I don't have any experience in this unit, I did some research and considered this unit for a smokepole deer hunt, but in the end, didn't apply here for the following reasons:
Access seemed pretty challenging. A lot of area, but not a lot of roads.
I read somewhere online about one hunter?s experience that he was surprised by the high number of quads zooming through the unit (not sure how true that is).
Did the drought and the burn impacted the numbers? Google earth imagery seemed to show it detrimental to much of the unit for a late summer muzzy hunt.
Not a lot of availability to gas or supplies.
And lastly, a relatively high number of antelope hunters ahead of the muzzy hunt.

I know I overthought this decision, but her rifle hunt should be WAY better than a Sept muzzy hunt.

Good luck to your and your wife!

Thanks for the reply. I'm going to have to spend a couple of weekends scouting it since I want to follow up on some leads I've got, and I want an extended weekend to look at the wilderness portion. A knowlwdgable friend suggested I use horses which I hadn't considered but am now.

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