What does he score?


Active Member
LAST EDITED ON Nov-14-15 AT 06:03PM (MST)[p]Weak mass and short forks.... How wide? What does he score?



That was sure a helpful post Yelum. To answer the question. I would say 145-155 and between 25-27 inches wide
He might be 25" wide, and will score about 150"

Those are some pretty sweet pics... snowstorm..?

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24
I don't see 150 or really very near that. 23" wide, 140" gross.


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Sage, what if that buck has 24" ears?
Then I could see that buck pushing 150".

There's always next year
If you think that that buck has 24" ears, you go with it. I don't see it, he may not even be 23", we get bigger backtails than that little guy. Also, i have a couple 24" type 4x4's muleys in my pile that just do hit 150. They are decent looking bucks, obvious to me that they are higher scoring than this guy.

That's my opinion, been wrong before and it seems that every time a guy goes out of his way to say that others are wrong on these things, he gets proved wrong himself, :),..but i'll stick with it for now.


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Hey, just throwing out some different ideas.
My guess is that the buck is around 25" wide and scores around 140".

There's always next year
I would guess 145" gross. His G3s flair out so I think he is wider than he might first appear. I would also guess 25"
There was a snowstorm that just started when he came in. It was neat to catch the snow flakes like that - it adds to the pics.
Thanks for all your input.
Sorry if my answer didn't set well. When I replied, his picture wasn't there, so all I saw was a blank screen. lol Thats why I said zero. As you can see, he edited the post to include the picture. Wasn't meant to offend anyway.



I will join in the 143 to 145 crowd, but I would put this deer closer to 26 wide than 24 based of off his g3's.
>Sorry if my answer didn't set
>well. When I replied,
>his picture wasn't there, so
>all I saw was a
>blank screen. lol Thats
>why I said zero.
>As you can see, he
>edited the post to include
>the picture. Wasn't meant
>to offend anyway.

Haha ok that makes a lot more sense! Was wondering what was going on there.

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