plateau 1000 lakes


Active Member
I put in for 1000 lakes muzzy deer, lifetime license. Haven't hunted it before. Excited to go camping and scouting. What can I expect for buck quality?
Just my opinion, but I don't think any two units are the same. Fewer permits (hunters) and good winter range should be helpful to the herd. lOTS of other factors, I know. Hope there is a reason guys are burning 5 preference points to hunt there. Anyway,looking forward to hunting new country.
The main reason people are using more points on that unit is because they are using the preference point loophole on that unit.
The RACs just released recommendations for tag numbers. 1000 plateau showed the highest buck to doe ratio in 2015 @ 40 bucks. With a a recommended increase from 200 tags to 300.
Whether you try to use it for the loophole or draw it, should be a good unit to hunt

Theodore Roosevelt's guidance concerning
"The movement for the conservation of wildlife,
and the conservation of all our natural resources,
are essentially democratic in spirit,purpose and

"We do not intend that our natural resources shall
be exploited by the few against the interests of the
majority. Our aim is to preserve our natural
resources for the public as a whole, for the
average man and the average woman who make
up the body of the American people."

"It is in our preserve game..and to give
reasonable opportunities for the exercise of the
skill of the hunter,whether he is or is not a man of
40 bucks per 100 does for 2015 count.... Must be a good unit.
40 was the highest per unit.

Theodore Roosevelt's guidance concerning
"The movement for the conservation of wildlife,
and the conservation of all our natural resources,
are essentially democratic in spirit,purpose and

"We do not intend that our natural resources shall
be exploited by the few against the interests of the
majority. Our aim is to preserve our natural
resources for the public as a whole, for the
average man and the average woman who make
up the body of the American people."

"It is in our preserve game..and to give
reasonable opportunities for the exercise of the
skill of the hunter,whether he is or is not a man of
You will have to let us know if you end up with the tag. I was out that way this weekend. It can be tough to hunt. But it will get better with more snow .
I burned my Gen points on the Muzzy Deer hunt as well, pray the extra 100 tags is just a vicious Oh well the point was to get me up to Utah to scout adjoining areas for elk. Just one question , is it a given that magnified scopes are set in 2016 regs? Never scoped my White but will do so if it's legal.
Magnified scopes are now legal on muzzleloaders, page 4 of the application guidebook. If the 100 tag increase is passed it will be spread across the 3 seasons resulting in about 30 more muzzleloader tags.
If the proposal passes, it will actually increase archery and muzzleloader to 90 tags for each of those hunts and keep the rifle permits around 120.

Not related much to your ML question, but to answer Johnny-- When the Lifetimers take their 80-90 rifle permits there will be 30-40 draw tags for the hundreds of applicants, so no big change there.
Guys, I should draw the Muzzy deer tag and want to purchase more detailed maps. Any words of wisdom as to where I might focus during end of Sept early Oct? I have a few of the topos of very south end of unit near Torrey already as I've been studying for future Boulder elk hunt. Appreciate any guidance. Thx guys
I spent last Thurs and Friday on 1000 Lakes,
The deer look good.
Both overall numbers and health were impressive.

That's the Utah DWR for ya!! Build up a unit and then rip it apart!! Any unit they start seeing progress or quality they start pumping the tags out for!!
LAST EDITED ON Apr-11-16 AT 10:25PM (MST)[p]Good news Goofy, this hunt is just a fun hunt and not expecting trophy buck. Really just looking at it as an opportunity to get to Utah and spending time in the woods with bugling Bulls as elk is my passion. Still looking for some wisdom on areas to focus on for a Muley on the Fishlake in early Oct, I will spend time on both ends of this hunt in the Boulder and La Sals learning more in prep for an elk tag . I love studying topos and not sure where to focus in this unit . Thx guys for a little help.
Plateau 1000 lakes is the hardest general tag to get. It has the highest buck-to-doe ratio out of the 29 units. According to the latest data. (40-100). There is not alot of tags available either.

By the time all the lifetime and dedicated Hunters get their tags, the available tags for this unit is even lower. Making it nearly impossible to draw. So hunters are using this unit as their 1st choice on their application and listing their 2nd choice as their preferred unit to hunt. Doing this allows the opportunity to still get the tag you originally wanted while collecting preference points at the same time. In 2015, You needed 5 preference points to actually draw this unit. 3 Preference points only gave you a 25% chance.

For example.
I want to hunt Box Elder unit this year but eventually want to hunt the Cache unit. Box Elder doesn't really require Preference points to draw but Cache does. So If I apply with 1000 Lakes as my first choice and Box Elder as my 2nd choice, I will hunt the unit I want this year, and will obtain a preference point in the process to help build points for next year which will be needed to hunt Cache.

Hope this helps

NOTE: The Utah Division of Wildlife held a meeting ON April 28th. Near the end of the meeting, Jon Bair mentioned changing the Preference Point system in the near future to close this loophole. So keep your ears open for future changes.
DWR is suggesting that if you draw ANY of your listed choices on your application, you will burn your Preference points.

"Wildlife and its habitat cannot speak. So
we must and we will."
Theadore Roosevelt

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