How big is this Buck?


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LAST EDITED ON Jul-22-16 AT 12:54PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Jul-22-16 AT 12:53?PM (MST)

LAST EDITED ON Jul-22-16 AT 12:51?PM (MST)

Just curious of what everyone thinks this buck will score. I plan on trying to kill him in a month once the season opens. I have been watching them for several years now and this year I think I would be crazy not to pursue him.

Any Guesses? I have spent a lot of time watching him and he is very symmetrical with great forks front and rear along with about 4"+ eye guards.



nice buck! It reminds me of a buck my buddy and I watched with the buck we were targeting that year. We named him "pretty boy" for obvious reasons as your buck has that same "pretty" look to him....
I have him just shy of 160"
I got 182 on him. gave him 16" for inside spread which may be a bit much lol. But he is a good buck for sure.

Jake H. BIG BONE HUNTING Page on Facebook.
Jake not trying to argue with you at all on your score, but if you have his inside at 16" (which is actually a little less than I gave him) where are the measurements that push him at or over 180" that you see?

I could be off, but that buck has some very deep forks.

Jake H. BIG BONE HUNTING Page on Facebook.
Got cha! You and I both have his back end almost the exact same. It just goes to show that a few inches here and there really does make a big difference on what one person thinks a deer would score compared to another person.. Not that score does or at least in my mind should mean anything to the person choosing to take or pass a buck. Here is how I had him broke down when I went back and scored him a second time

Main beams plus inside width. 56

(I have found that I almost always in the past seem to add at least 2 extra inches on the main beams. I have guessed almost everything else almost perfect but when we harvest him I would be consistently about 5 inches over with my guess always on the beams. Haha not any more I take the inside and multiply it by 3 haha)
G1. 8
G2. 34
G3. 18 (I think this buck has one over 10" but the other looks shorter to me in the pics)
G4. 22
Mass. 28
Total. 166"

I had him at 159 the first time looking at him, but after some of the scores rolled in and looking at him a little harder that is what I got. Nice buck for sure hope the OP gets a chance at him!
Thanks for the guesses, I have a couple years pictures of this guy. I was putting him just over 160" last year and I think this year he will break 180". He is big bodied and big eared, i am putting his inside spread about 21-22" comparing him to the other bucks around him.

He runs with 8 other bucks 5 of which are 4 points, one of the other bucks is questionably larger but I couldn't get a picture of him or a good look due to the heat. I am glad i chose not to pursue this buck last year, he has put on a significant amount of antler since and I really hope I get a shot at him this year. I am planning on going out again in a couple week to pattern them a little more so I know where to set up on opening day and I hope I can get some better pictures. These were taken in the heat of the day from a half mile away with phone through my scope.
170's type buck, I don't see enough for 180 and I see more on him to better 160.
179-183 That where I would put him with a 20" inside.
Got a pretty frame, I would love for you to put a tag on him this fall.

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