Would you mount?


Active Member
I've shared pics of this buck already, but I've been back and forth with having it mounted. He's a general season muzzy buck from UT and my biggest to date.

When I harvested the buck my intentions were to mount. I dropped the cape off at the taxi and then did a European mount until the time came. Since, I've gone back and forth with what to do. I like the looks of both.

Just interested in others opinions concerning the matter. Any criteria that leads one to or not to mount?


If I had shot him I would have him mounted. He's a cool buck. BUT if you're having to get reassurance to mount him I'd guess you're not going to enjoy the mount much. Don't mount him JUST to mount him. Mount him because he is something you want to see and enjoy every day.
He looks great as a Euro. I say save the $500 and upgrade your glass or get a Colorado tag and shoot a bigger one. I have 2 150-160 mulies mounted that I wish I would have euroed, just not enough room and I have bigger now.
Good looking Euro! Like that tripod on his right front. I kind of agree with nripepi. I gave several shoulder mounts I wish I would have done Euro. I find mystelf liking the euro mounts a lot more these days. And as mentioned, space can become an issue. You don't need a shoulder mount to enjoy the memory. Euros look cool!
I am not much of a Euro guy----

I think he looks fine though.

I would have mounted him myself.

It is your $$ and your buck so you should decide.

Nice buck BTW

I like him like he is! Maybe put him on a plaque with the hero laser engraving!
You could also mount him later if needed be.
I would say get him mounted and up on the wall. Its not always about the antlers. Deer are beautiful animals. If you like looking at deer and elk. Which I know you do. You get some skin on that scull and get him looking pretty and up on the wall. Looks like a nice cape to me. If it was damaged or something then I would see your point. Tell your wife sorry for me. That's probably not the answer she wanted to hear. :)
The mounts are cool, but so is the euro. It's fun to be able to pick up the antlers and hand them to someone who comes to visit. To actually "hold" antlers sometimes allows one to appreciate the size and uniqueness better.
I have 18+ deer mounts hanging in my house. I'm out of room to put them without moving outside my "deer room" and into other parts of the house. I have my buck from last year that the wife keeps telling me to get mounted. I haven't done it yet. I should I suppose, although as I said, it's fun to be able to pick the antlers up to appreciate them.
So I'm in the same boat. And they are pretty expensive to have mounted too. How many mounted deer heads does a dude really need in the house?

Brian Latturner
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I appreciate everyone's thoughts. You guys hit a lot of points that I've ran through my head.

My wife really don't care what I do. Heck we already have two elk in our living room (his and hers) :)

Money is always a factor, but not really that big of one in this case. Space maybe more so, but we do have it.

He's not a giant, but in my eyes is a trophy for the unit, and for me, is big enough to mount. When I dropped the cape off at the taxi and saw everything else in his shop that helped confirm it for me.

He did have what I would consider a great looking cape and would be a nice piece to add with the elk.

I know I would love having a deer shoulder mount as much as I do like the euro (which I do have a couple of). Founder probably hit the biggest area of debate for me. Being able to easily handle the antlers and such. This was something I realized with our elk. And it has been nice being able to grab them off the wall and admire.
One of my favorite mounts in my house is a 23" wide 155" buck. I have bigger deer mounted and bigger deer than that euroed.The cape and mount itself is stunning and the story that goes along with it is one of my favorite. This is a deer my wife killed while 6 moths pregnant with our first child. It's not the antlers, it's the memory and regard you hold it in.
Yeah, I think I would shoulder mount him. Since he is your biggest to date and he's a trophy for the unit and you don't have a buck on the wall yet and you do like looking at him and you do have his cape... why not ? You still have a few more years to go before you get like founder and others on here where we are running out of wall space. LOL !

There is something to be said about being able to put your hands on the horns. Whenever I took a buck in to be mounted, the taxidermist would boil the skull and give him back to me until he was ready to mount him. Sometimes a year or more. During that time I would find myself holding the horns while watching TV and of course passing them around when friends came over. I do miss not being able to do that but then I do like looking at them on the wall.

Every hunting season you miss is one you can not make up
If you still have the cape, it's a no brainer to mount it.
You obviously have thought about it long enough that it's certain you think you should.
Cool buck, I would leave it as a euro. I want my shoulder mounts to be no brainers. If I have to talk myself into it, then the answer is no.
Nice buck, sweet euro! You don't need our input. I've got several antelope mounted I now wish I hadn't. Get yourself a skullhooker and enjoy him. Take him off the hook from time to time and run yer hands over him in front of the tv. Antlers are natures fascinating artwork, enjoy it.
At this point, I say keep the euro. I've never killed a muley that big, but I think the euro looks fine!
First off, he is a very nice buck, especially for a general area.

Personally, I like doing my own euro mounts. It becomes part of the total experience to do them myself.

I do plan on mounting my mountain goat when I finally draw a tag and I want to mount an antelope for home decor for the wife (per her request).

I have found that shoulder mounts are a pain to move with when I switch jobs.
I would Keep him the Way He Is. Euro Mounts are Just as Good as a Shoulder mount in My Opinion and Leaves Room for Any Future Giant's that will be a No Brainer. I have Regretted Mounting Deer in the Past But, Still enjoy every Euro I Have ever Done.
Do you mount....only you can decide.

Founder, how many deer mounts do you need:...Answer,... just one more. LOL.
Mount Him or Throw Him in the Pile!

Here's the Thing To Think about!

They Ain't Gettin any Bigger as Time Goes on!

I Still Haven't Got that Special Buck for the Wall!

Thinkin Now I Might have to Dig through the Pile!

And Put one from Previous Years on the Wall!

If You Do decided to get Him Mounted!

Don't do a Cheap Mount!

Spend a little Extra & Have a Top Quality Taxidermist do the Work for you!

[Font][Font color = "blue"]Ah yes we have insider trading and computer dating but I never goin for that!
Ain't no machine pickin out my Queen cause it may not have all the facts!
I've got my own taste and my own ways I'd rather not talk about
and my private life is my private life and they ain't gonna find out!

LAST EDITED ON Jun-19-17 AT 07:26PM (MST)[p] You should stay with the euro mount on that one. It looks real good that way. Another thing is that your euro mounts don't offend the animal lover community as much as a full shoulder mount with the eyes and expression and all. I can speak from experience as I Have had dozens of shoulder mounts done but at this point I think I will go with the euro if I ever get another one.also very few taxidermist can really make a mule deer buck look natural. Most of them don't do them justice so the euro would be the way to go in my opinion
I'd get the cape tanned and put it in the freezer. Then keep it as a euro. At some point if you change yer mind, you can still get it mounted. If you ever need a cape for another mount, you have one. Or you could sell it and get yer money back...
"If You Do decided to get Him Mounted!
Don't do a Cheap Mount!
Spend a little Extra & Have a Top Quality Taxidermist do the Work for you!"


There are some good taxidermists out there. A great one is worth every extra penny.
Most of my clients that want an average deer mounted either have experience their first success or want the memory of a special hunt with a relative or long time friend. It's not about the size as much as the experience. First buck should always go on the wall.
Spencer I think I know you better then most on MM. I know you have student loans and just had another baby. But don't be a cheap skate. You'll regret it in the long run. Get him mounted up and on the wall. It's a beautiful buck. Does Jay have the cape ?
Thanks for all the comments and ideas. I think they helped confirm what I felt the day I harvested the buck, that I do want him mounted up on my wall.

I enjoyed the stalk on this buck more than any other animal, couple that with taking him in an area which I had only experienced heart ache in years past.

As much as I like him with the euro, I'll probably have more regrets by not mounting.

Yes John, Jay has his cape. Don't know who else I would use that not only does a great job, but also is a convenient drop off from the mountain :)
Ya getter done ? Stop by next time your up on the mountain. I never know your there until I see your Facebook when I get home. ? The same with John.
Cool looking deer, definitely worthy of the euro mount. Some euros I love, some don't look that good. Looks like yours was done pretty good.
I too haven't been a big fan of Euros but darn that one looks great! But student Loans new one on the way freeze the cape you can always get it done later


"Sometimes you do things wrong for so long you
think their right" - 2001
"I can't argue with honesty" - 2005
-Joe E Sikora
Your cape wont last forever. If it is a dry tan you may get four or five years before it goes bad and maybe a couple of more years if its a quality wet tan that's kept in the freezer. Something to think about.
Nice buck. I would mount him unless you already have bigger ones mounted. I started doing the Euro mounts as they look good too and save on room and money!
Thought I would follow up this post with the completed product. As much as I liked the euro, I'm pretty happy I had it mounted.

Ogden taxidermy did the work.



>Looks awesome! Is that a
>wall/pedestal mount ?

Thanks, and yes it is. I ended up putting a swivel mount on it so it's not turning into the wall. In our new place that won't be a problem.
I believe the taxidermist did a great job, beautifully displayed. Glad you went ahead and had a hid put on him. Great memories live in these mounts. Over the years I should had more of mine mounted

>I appreciate everyone's thoughts. You guys
>hit a lot of points
>that I've ran through my
>My wife really don't care what
>I do. Heck we already
>have two elk in our
>living room (his and hers)
>Money is always a factor, but
>not really that big of
>one in this case. Space
>maybe more so, but we
>do have it.
>He's not a giant, but in
>my eyes is a trophy
>for the unit, and for
>me, is big enough to
>mount. When I dropped the
>cape off at the taxi
>and saw everything else in
>his shop that helped confirm
>it for me.
>He did have what I would
>consider a great looking cape
>and would be a nice
>piece to add with the
>I know I would love having
>a deer shoulder mount as
>much as I do like
>the euro (which I do
>have a couple of). Founder
>probably hit the biggest area
>of debate for me. Being
>able to easily handle the
>antlers and such. This was
>something I realized with our
>elk. And it has been
>nice being able to grab
>them off the wall and

As you stated. He has a great cape!

I have only three deer I have killed mounted. My largest archery buck, my largest rifle, and my largest muzzy.

With that being said, those deer are not mounted just because they are my largest. I have larger deer of other weapons then some of the ones I have mounted. I liked the capes, the look or numerous other things that helped make that decision for me.

I have numerous "big" bucks. It is no longer about size, but memories and look. I saw a big mature buck (not antlers) last year. Big neck, big body, and a triple white patch (only time I have ever seen that). If I could have gotten him I would have mounted him. He was old, experienced and beautiful, he would have been the smallest I had ever gotten mounted. But to me it would have been with it.
Show a picture and info on the mount. I ask Jay about one a few years ago. He thought I was crazy. But now you can put it on a pedestal or on the wall , right ? Do you sell the old house?

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