My 2017 season


Well with all my hunts concluded for the year I am pretty bummed to have to wait 8-9 months before I will have a weapon in my hand and be chasing game again. I had a few tags in 2017 and was fortunate to fill some of them, I only got to hunt blacktails in Northern Ca for one weekend this year and even though not a giant was able to take this small four point and anyone who has eaten one of these blacktails knows they are about the best tasting deer you can get.

Next up was Wyoming where I had an elk tag in my pocket I had never hunted Wyoming before and talked a buddy into coming along to help pack one up should I be successful and was able to take this bull the second day of the hunt.

Part of the deal of my buddy helping me with this elk was we had to go hunt Idaho for deer before we headed back to Ca and having taken my bull the second day we were a few days early to Idaho before the general season opened. I have hunted Idaho quite a bit and could tell right away that last winter had done some damage, the deer were still there but numbers seemed to be cut in half. After scouting a few days and hunting a few my buddy decided to take a small four point and being I had been hunting two weeks I decided to take a small four point as well and we were headed for home.

I went back to work a few weeks but had a third season Colorado deer tag as well so back onto I 80 I went to make another 16 hour drive east. Colorado was tough no weather and an unfavorable moon made it tough but we still managed to go 2 for three and I was fortunate to take a nice 6x5 on day four of the nine day hunt.

And yes I had the proper orange on when required but did remove it for a few pics. Now the freezer is full and we are eating good this winter. Now the long wait begins to see what 2018 will bring.
That sound like a full and fun season! Congrats on some nice animals!

If you need another hunting buddy, just let me know!! :D :D
Nice. The best season of all runs from now till a year from now. Coyotes baby!!!

M"That's a special feeling, Lloyd"
Two answer the first question I was hunting south central Idaho OTC tag nothing special, as for the bull I have not put a tape on him but would guess some where between the guesses that have been thrown out on here he is a little weak in the fronts but has good on top and fairly heavy. Thanks for all the positive responses we need more positivity on the site like all the comments mentioned here so more people will post there adventures. I'm sure you all like seeing the pics as much as I do and that's why we post them.

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