Wolf Control : Yes or No? Vote Here!


Long Time Member
The Juneau Alaska Newspaper "The Empire" is taking a poll as to whether the recent proposed wolf control measures taken by the Alaska F&G are right or wrong.
Alaska F&G is trying to boost dwindling moose and Caribou herds in several parts of the state, while Wolf populations are at record levels!(it is not uncommon to see packs numbering 40 wolves from the air!)
The poll is at the bottom lefthand corner of the page.
Alaska gets a ton of input from anti-hunters here in the lower 48,so it is high time they hear from us sportsmen.
Vote TODAY!,you know the treehuggers will!
I voted,

1248 for and 646 against---now all we got to do is start shootin a few from a plane down here. We need control here too.

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