See ya!


Long Time Member
Headed for Idaho in the morning..I hope to have some pictures when I get back...Good luck to all and be safe....
what zone are you hunting---good luck--I'm leaving for Idaho in 13 days--chris

Good luck on your trip and we will be waiting to see some good success pictures upon your return.


P.S. Chris, same to you as well, good luck. I won't be leaving for 20 more days.
This means we here in Wyoming can plan on a strong west wind from Idaho. No it aint because we suck...its because Kingfish and his chili will be creating a high pressure zone that will show up distinctly on the weather maps!

Have fun Kingbean. Tell us your story of one for the wall when you return.
The story goes like this........I missed!!! Had a great trip. We had two different bears in camp. My buddy shot a nice "last day" 3 point. Weather was really nice 60's during the day low to mid 30's at night. Weather didn't really matter we hunt where they live anyway.
Well KF, you and I have somethin in common this year. Last Saturday I went up to a spot to scout quail for the opener next weekend. Saw some tracks last year and I know nobody hunts this spot, so I got a tag this year just in case. Shocked me out of my boots when I saw a buck on a sidehill at about 150-200 yards. He turned and was headed back into the pines he'd just come out of, I figured I'd been made, rushed the shot and missed clean.

So you got some company here. Course, the season is good for a few more weeks, maybe I'll give em a 2nd chance (like I'd be that lucky.......). Hope you had a great time on your hunt, take care my friend, Free....
Free, I had a blast!. We had two different bears in camp. The buck I missed was a very respectable buck I'm estimating 27" wide and REALLY tall 4x4. Im just as glad I missed. It would have been a long way out with a buck of his size. We saw tons of elk everyday and they were still bugling. All in all it was a great trip.
Bottom line, Kingfish, is that you had a blast and had at least an opportunity at a nice buck! That's what it's really and truly all about. Course, the icing on the cake is bringing that big un home, but at least you got a good piece and taste of the cake!!!

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